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Friday, May 1, 2009

May News

May 2009

We invite you to pray the Fatima Chaplet in Honor of Our Lady of Fatima.

In the spring of 1916, the Angel of Peace appears to three young shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal. The Angel teaches the children, Jacinta Marcos, Francisco Marcos, and Lucia Dos Santos, the PARDON PRAYER.

In the autumn of that year the Angel teaches the children the ANGEL PRAYER.

On May 13, 1917, in a field called Cova da Iria near the village of Fatima, Portugal, a beautiful luminous Lady, dressed in radiant white, appears before the three young children. She tells them that she has been sent by God with a message for every man, woman and child. She asks for prayer, especially that of the Holy Rosary, reparation and consecration. She teaches the three children the EUCHARISTIC ADORATION* PRAYER. (*alternate wording).

During Her July 13, 1917 apparition she teaches the children two additional prayers; the SACRIFICE PRAYER and the DECADE PRAYER.

On October 13, 1917, during the final apparition, Our Blessed Mother makes Herself known to the children as, "Our Lady of The Rosary". At this time the Great Miracle of the Sun occurs. As Our Lady of The Rosary moves off into the distance, Saint Joseph with The Child Jesus and Our Lady appear. Saint Joseph and the Christ Child bless the world as they make the Sign of the Cross. As the apparition fades Our Lord appears with Our Lady of Sorrows and blesses those present with the Sign of the Cross. As this apparition fades, Our Blessed Mother reappears as Our Lady of Mt. Carmel.

On December 10, 1925, in Pontevedra, Spain, Our Blessed Mother appears within a cloud of Light with her child Jesus before Sister Lucia. She declares that all who attend Mass for the Five First Saturdays, meditate for fifteen minutes while praying the Holy Rosary, attend Confession, receive Holy Communion, and offer reparation, penance, prayer and sacrifice shall be granted mercy at their hour of death.

On June 13, 1929, while Sister Lucia, then a Dorothean nun, is at Holy Hour in Tuy, Spain, she is granted a special vision of the Blessed Trinity. In the Vision the written words "Graces and Mercy" appear. This is perhaps one of the most important revelations of Fatima.

Years later, Our Lord appears to Sister Lucia in Rianjo, Spain, where He teaches her two additional prayers called the CONVERSION PRAYER and the SALVATION PRAYER.

In 1948, Sister Lucia enters the Carmelite Convent in Coimbra, Portugal, where she takes the religious name Sister Maria of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Sister Lucia dies on February 13, 2005 at age 97 at her Carmelite Convent in Coimbra, Portugal.

The MESSAGE of Fatima begins with the HOLY EUCHARIST and ends with the HOLY EUCHARIST.

This is but a brief history of the Fatima Apparitions. For more extensive information we suggest an Internet search on the Fatima Apparitions.

During Holy Week, we invite you to visit

Special Songs For Holy Week 2009

For Our Mother Teresa
Words and Lyrics by Bridget Hylak and Joseph Hooker
© 1992 Joseph L. Hooker, used with permission.

Heaven Is On Its Way
Words and Lyrics by Joseph Hooker
© 1991 Joseph L. Hooker, used with permission.
Please turn the volume down for this song.

Oh Lord, When Will We Learn?
Words and Lyrics by Joseph Hooker
© 1991 Joseph L. Hooker, used with permission.

Oh My Jesus
© 2009, Musical Arrangement by Joseph L. Hooker, used with permission.

Do You Love Me
Words and Lyrics by Bridget Hylak and Joseph Hooker
© 2000 Joseph L. Hooker, used with permission.
Very low-quality recording sang over the phone.

God Calling!
Words and Lyrics by Bridget Hylak and Joseph Hooker
© 1992 Joseph L. Hooker, used with permission.

A Change of Heart
© 1991 Joseph L. Hooker, used with permission.

Touch Their Hearts
© 2001 Joseph L. Hooker, used with permission.

Lyrics for the above songs.

Note: We recently received this important letter from the Marian Movement of Priests (MMP). Please note that in paragraph 5, Fr. Gobbi states "I would like this message to reach everyone in the United States". We are complying with his request by posting this letter on our Fatima Prayers Ministry website.

We invite you to share his letter with your family and friends as we are sharing it with you since we consider you part of our spiritual family.

MMP. Cenacle with Fr. Stefano Gobbi
January 18, 2009 - St. James Church, Miami, Fl.

My dearest children, today’s liturgy presents to us Jesus Christ who saves us, loves us and calls us to Himself. In the Old Testament, God called Samuel. (1 Sm 3: 3b-10, 19) In the New Testament, Jesus calls us. As his apostles of today, He has called all of us and you have responded. Jesus has called us because he wants to save us in these times of trial.

Today, I am happy to be back in the United States, and I LOVE YOU!* After so many years, I come back to speak about the Blessed Virgin Mary – to tell you about her love for you and to give you her comfort. I take her tenderness and give it to you, so that it may soothe your sufferings and the so many bloody open wounds! Have courage!

Brothers and sisters of the United States, we are living through these trying times because humanity has gotten away from God's virtue and has gone towards atheism and materialism. The trial has now arrived for all humanity.

God is love, and away from God humanity is a desert. Today, the United States is living life away from God and, away from God, life is always threatened. Think about the millions of abortions done here. This is, for your country, the largest wound. God is communion. Away from God, divisions spread out in all places – between countries that spread violence and terrorism. The great trial is upon us, but BE NOT AFRAID.

In these times you must have much hope! I would like this message to reach everyone in the United States. On television you see the difficulties that have come to you in the U.S. Well, in these times of great trials, I come to remind you of HOPE, the hope that lies in the Immaculate Heart of Mary! This is why Mary has sent me here – to consecrate and entrust your life to her and to Jesus. And truly she becomes YOUR MOTHER. So then, why be afraid? She LOVES you; she HELPS you; she DEFENDS you; she CONSOLES you. In these times, Mary and her Immaculate Heart will triumph because her light will shine forth, and all children consecrated to her will be attracted by her love. They will be covered by her to form the army of her little children with which she will combat the evil one and win, because in the end HER IMMACULATE HEART WILL TRIUMPH!

And now, my dearest children, if you are the little children of Mary, she will feed you with her own milk. And what is her own milk? THE GRACE OF GOD! She is full of grace and she is Mother, so if you are fed with this grace you will live your Baptism which has brought you out of the hands of the evil one. God lives in you; you belong to God and then you no longer live for sin, for evil, for pride or for impurity. You will live only for the GLORY OF GOD like Mary does.

Our Lady teaches us to speak. What language? Our Lady says that we speak among ourselves very much, but pray very little. We must pray a lot and speak less. THE ROSARY is the prayer, the weapon to use against Satan in these times. Each rosary is a victory against the evil one and is very efficacious. Mary prays with each of us when we pray the Rosary, and our voice is completely united with hers. With the Rosary, we can solve all problems – political and social. In these times I come to tell you to put this to the test: pray the Rosary and you will see all of your problems solved!

Mary takes us to the depths of holiness – observing the Commandments of God and exercising Christian virtues. And when we are weak and we fall, Mary takes us to Confession. Our Blessed Mother desires a return to frequent Confession because when we sin, we must ask for mercy and pardon. And we receive that in the Sacrament of Confession. And then you will be part of the remnant that the Blessed Mother forms around the world through her Marian Movement of Priests.

Another recommendation, my dearest children, is to be faithful to your clergy, because in these times of apostasy, there is such a spread of errors. The Magisterium of the Church keeps us in the TRUE FAITH, and faith opens us up to hope, HOPE IN THE ONE JESUS CHRIST – Son of the Father, Incarnate in the womb of Mary, the One who died on the Cross for our Redemption. We have no other Savior but Jesus Christ Crucified, the only salvation in these times. Jesus Risen is here among us. He will realize his Great Triumph when He comes again in glory. Let us cry out to Him and invoke Him, like the Blessed Virgin Mary says in her messages: ‘COME, LORD JESUS!’ And then let us walk together in happiness in the expectation of such great future glory! I give one hand to the Blessed Mother and the other one to you; let us walk together to meet Jesus Christ!

Dear brothers and sisters, great is my joy in meeting with you again, and great is my sadness because I must leave you now. To you and to all brothers and sisters of the MMP in the U.S., now that I have returned, I carry you in my heart with affection and will remember each one of you through my Guardian Angel. I say to you, YOU MUST HAVE HOPE! After this trial, the times of peace, joy, and happiness of Mary await you!

God bless you!

(Text taken from translation by Fr. Gobbi’s interpreter, Otavio Piva de Albuquerque from São Paulo, Brazil)

*All words in upper case denote special emphasis by Fr. Gobbi.

Come Alive Communications, the company in charge of the Fatima Chaplet translations for has been awarded the 2008 USLBA Award.

The Shepherds of Fatima, book review by Sister Emmanuel Alves, FSP.
Shephers of Fatima

Click the image to enlarge the review.
Shepherds of Fatima by M. Fernando Silva at from Pauline Books and Media Center.

The Rosary - Prayer of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Czestochowa Rosary
Czestochowa Rosary

Cick to enlarge the above images.

For additional information go to

The Stations of the Cross

St. Joseph Novena

Saint of the Day:
For print/audio of the Saint of Day, go to:

Language Update:
The updated 2009 tri-fold English version of the Fatima Chaplet is now available for both USA & Canada and all other countries for print. The four-fold Fatima Chaplet is available here for only USA & Canada.

Our goal is to update all the present language translations on this site by August 2009. As soon as possible, our goal is to provide translations of the Fatima Chaplet in a total of 34 different languages.

Special Updates:

If you like Gregorian Chants, you will love these albums!

Special Updates:

Padre Pio p1
Padre Pio p2
Padre Pio p3
Padre Pio p4

May Our Heavenly Father send a special Blessing upon all those and their family loved ones who have helped to make this phase of the Saint Padre Pio Shrine Church possible

Come Alive Communications, the company in charge of the Fatima Chaplet translations for has been awarded the 2008 USLBA Award.

The Shepherds of Fatima, book review by Sister Emmanuel Alves, FSP.
Shephers of Fatima

Fatima Prayers is a division of Golden Doorways LLC.

Special News Update

Our language translator Bridget Hylak, and her husband Joseph Hooker, have written a song in honor of Our Priests. “Our Priests”/”Nuestros Sacerdotes” has been adopted as the Catholic Marketting Network’s official theme song of the Year of the Priest, and can be sampled at For more information, read the following. We hope you enjoy the following videos of their music.

Song (English Version)

Song (Spanish Version)

Luke John Hooker Tribute: "The Little Angel That Could"




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