As the bible says in the end times there will be no place to run or hide from the wrath that will descend upon the world. I believe this time is quickly approaching.
It is good to invest in financial wealth and health, but more importantly in the spiritual health of yourself and your family. It is wise for us to remember that God doesn’t work for us but will work with us. It has also been said that God helps those that turn to God in sincere prayer. Even if your prayer is just a momentary thought God will hear you and respond. Knock until the Doors of Heaven open to you and those you love.
It is my belief that satan’s plan is to exterminate 6 billion, 600 million, 600 thousand children of God. This diabolical plan is scheduled for implementation within the next 10 to 15 years. We are quickly being replaced by humanoids, robotic technology and nanobots. God gave the world these gifts to uplift society and bring His children into His Divine Light. Instead satan and his followers of about a half a billion have a different plan. They want to place you on the Titanic 666 as they seek to be human gods.
However, God has sent over 6 billion (almost 7 billion) of His human imperfect angels to turned to Him in prayer. You are one of those angels. Regardless of what you have done or not done you are and always will be a child of God. Before you were born He held you in the palm of His Hand and called you by name. At that time God allowed you to choose your daily trials and tribulations. He also gave you Free Will to say yes I will embrace my cross (the cross you chose) or I will not, and instead will stumble and fall from its weight but will try as best I can. Whatever you choose remember that God Loves You. He Loves you with such a powerful Love that He sent His only Son (Jesus God the Son) to show you the Way, the Truth and the Light. Jesus came for the unrighteous not the righteous. He is always with us especially when we stumble and fall into the mud (sin) of life.
I am not one to advocate one religion or to judge any other person, but isn’t it time we returned to our Houses of Prayer, and instead of fighting amongst ourselves and pointing fingers at one another, we might be better to seek the Divine Light and Wisdom of God in order to help establish His Kingdom on earth. However it takes courage to work in Gods Vineyard and even greater courage to expect nothing in return except suffering, ridicule and persecution. For as the world crucified Christ expect nothing less for the work you do amongst the wolves who have come to us disguised as sheep. They have infiltrated all levels of life, and today we find our world not as a reflection of Gods Love, but instead a world of sadness, great suffering and even greater sorrow. We dwell in the Valley of Tears.
How many more of the innocent most die from starvation? How much more innocent blood most cover the hearts of humanity and stand before God as an abomination? How many more most die by believing in the 24/7 false propaganda of satan that is destroying this world and causing even the children of God to fight amongst themselves over silly and meaningless issues, while we allow satans empire to grow and engulf this world in the darkness of sin? Our real fight is with satan not with one another. Let us stand together respectful of one another with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and the Sacred Heart of Mary leading us in this Great Spiritual Battle against satan and his followers.
As we fret over senseless issues our children are surrounded 24/7 in a culture of death while depression overtakes their future. Let us join together in prayer and come together as spiritual brothers and sisters respectful of each others life style. God created each one of us for a purpose and so it might be better to open our hearts, minds and souls to Our Creators Divine Light and find one's own purpose instead of trying to be gods in judging others, for in reality we are but little children who seem to take great delight in gossiping and pointing fingers in judgment of one another. Remember each time you point your finger at another three of those fingers point back to you.
In order to enter the Divine Light you must not seek it but simply go into the silence within yourself. Try to reach a level of total stillness. Do not ask for anything for God already knows what you need. If the Divine Light does not descend and engulf you try again and again until It does. Keep knocking on Heaven’s Door and the Door will open as you become one with God.
Be not afraid of what is taking place during these times for the entire world as you knew it as a child has changed and will continue to change. Within the next decade the world you presently know will be totally different. In order to best prepare for this transformation turn to God and all will be well for you, and your loved ones living or deceased, regardless of the Darkness that is rapidly engulfing the world. The followers of satan have a plan for a one world currency and a one world religion. Do not allow yourselves to be fooled by these false leaders. Already world markets, world currencies, governments, and entire countries and Nations are being destroyed. But you have the God given Power to seek and find God through prayer and meditation. Cover yourself and those you love in the Sacred and Holy Cloaks of Jesus and Mary.
Whenever you pray or turn to God or enter into any House of Gods it is a Divine Gift for it is not you but it is God who has called you to that state of dwelling to be with Him. Be at peace for you are here at this page, reading this article, not out of your own will but because you have been called through Divine Grace.
God will eventually hear your prayers, but remember many of us have turned from God and so you will need time to prove that you truly are a seeker of His Truth and Light for one must reap what one has sown. Too many seek wealth, pleasure and personal gratification while neglecting their spiritual growth and the spiritual health of their brothers and sisters who are in need of human kindness.
Would you be willing to give up your eternal salvation if you knew that all of Gods Children would be then able to enter into Heaven? How can anyone work in Gods Vineyard and seek eternal salvation knowing that even one soul or many of one's spiritual brothers and sisters that number in the billions may not be there with you? Wouldn't your sorrow be too great that you simply would not be happy knowing that so many were suffering the fires of hell? Isn't that what this world is becoming .. . a living hell? Let us join together to stop this from happening. If someone slanders you or causes you spiritual agitation go to God and seek His Divine Will. Forgive anyone who hurts you for they know not what they are doing or how they are interfering in Gods Plan. Pray for them and their loved ones. Pray for Gods Kingdom to be established on earth as it is in Heaven.
In these most difficult times is it not better to be a beggar than a thief and a destroyer of God’s Kingdom? Anything of this world is but a passing moment and what is most important is your soul and the souls of your spiritual brothers and sisters regardless of how they might treat you. Try to remember that if you walk in the footsteps of Christ you will be ridiculed, mocked with false charges most likely brought against you by even those whom you consider to be your spiritual brothers and sisters. During these times of intense trials and tribulations satan's plan is for the good to fight against the good. Isn't that what is happening more and more each day?
If the world hates you for speaking up for Gods Kingdom know that the world also hated Christ for preaching the Good News. If you are hated by the world it means you are on the right path. Do not become discouraged or seek to cover yourself in darkness. If the false gossip and malicious lies become too great and you slip into sin simply get up and return to the Heart of Jesus. Every time you are knocked down look upon it as a Blessing from God and return again and again to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
For those that have lost a loved one because of substance abuse of any type know that God is well aware that the wolves in sheep’s clothing filled the mind and heart of your loved one with false propaganda and your loved one is now with God. Today we have become a Culture of Death and yet God knows that those who have fallen victim to satan are the innocent lambs.
The Love of the Blessed Trinity knows no limits especially in these Final Days of this Great Spiritual Battle that has descended upon the entire world. God has already won this Battle and satan's time is ending. Soon the new earth will come forth and be ruled by God and His People.
Try to remember that you are a child of God and regardless of what you have done turn to God in the stillness of your inner self. Try to remember that if you are suffering it will only be for a little longer for God will not abandon His Children even though many of His Children have abandoned Him. His Love for you and all those that have gone before you and will pass on after you, is too great and He will once again hold you in the Palm of His Hand and call you by Name. You will no longer suffer in sorrow or dwell in the Valley of Tears. All will soon be well for all is well in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. You are very much loved for you are a child of God.
Fatima Prayers Ministry
Robert T Spellman
The Fatima Chaplet
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Monday, March 1, 2010
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Special News Update
Our language translator Bridget Hylak, and her husband Joseph Hooker, have written a song in honor of Our Priests. “Our Priests”/”Nuestros Sacerdotes” has been adopted as the Catholic Marketting Network’s official theme song of the Year of the Priest, and can be sampled at For more information, read the following. We hope you enjoy the following videos of their music.
Song (English Version)
Song (Spanish Version)
Luke John Hooker Tribute: "The Little Angel That Could"