Current News


Saturday, May 1, 2010

May Current News

The Vatican YouTube                                                         H2O News from Rome

It is my humble belief that things must grow much worse before the head of satan is chained. Most of the world seems to be in some hypnotic state of being and fails to grasp that God wants us to live as spiritual brothers and sisters as opposed to how we now treat one another. God wants all that is good for us but the world seems to reject goodness and instead embraces all that is detrimental. Some people even believe that the new earth as well as Heaven is sterile and filled Valley of Tears.

Recently I received that latest issue of The 101 Times #83.  The main article begins with “He Made Up His Own Prayer” from The Garabandal Journal, j/f-09 by Dr. Ed. Serrano & Rosalie Turton.  The article goes on to say that St. Faustina made a Novena of 1000 Hail Marys a day for nine days when she wanted something very badly. The article goes on telling how Father Corapi made up his own short prayer that he said 1000 times a day for nine days as his Novena.

Often when I read the prayer requests that people post on this site or think about the problems we face each day I have prayed for a brief prayer that might possibly bring about the world we seek while being pleasing to God.

In addition to all our other spiritual prayers and devotions I have begun a Nine Day Novena of 1,0000 prayers each day of the following:


I invite you to join me in this simple prayer. You like myself can pray some of the Novena in the morning, later in the day and later in the evening.

Imagine what our world would be like under the NEW KINGDOM according to Our Father’s Will.  We wouldn’t be watching our children die because of substance abuse or some medical or mental illness. Instead we would live in a Valley of JOY instead of this present Valley of Tears.

Imagine living in a world with all those whom you carry in your heart. Imagine living in a world of joy, peace and happiness.

Please join me and if you want to make a Nine Day or Thirty or Forty Day Novena or a Perpetual Novena as you ask God to guide you. Whatever you do on behalf of Our Father’s Kingdom may the Blessings of Our Lord Jesus Christ precede you, be with you now and follow you throughout your earthly journey.

Fatima Prayers Ministry
Robert T Spellman

For those seeking more information about:
 The 101 Times
#83, Vol.21, No3, Fall, 2009
Official publication of the
101 Foundation, Inc.
PO Box 151 

Asbury, New Jersey 08802-0151
Phone: 908-689-8792
Fax: 908-689-1957
Fatima Prayers is a division of Golden Doorways LLC.

Special News Update

Our language translator Bridget Hylak, and her husband Joseph Hooker, have written a song in honor of Our Priests. “Our Priests”/”Nuestros Sacerdotes” has been adopted as the Catholic Marketting Network’s official theme song of the Year of the Priest, and can be sampled at For more information, read the following. We hope you enjoy the following videos of their music.

Song (English Version)

Song (Spanish Version)

Luke John Hooker Tribute: "The Little Angel That Could"




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