Current News


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

June Current News

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The Sorrow and Joy of Our Lord, Our God

Our Lord weeps for what is taking place and what must continue to take place. We His chosen children have betrayed Our Heavenly Father. We have trampled upon His gifts and turned His land into a desert of death and destruction. His gift of this earth lies desolate and in ruin before all of Heaven. We His chosen children have turned against Him by forgetting why we were given this gift of life.

We have forgotten to take time to enjoy the miracles that happen every day and night. We have forgotten the gifts of the wind and the sun, the stars and the moon. We have forgotten all the wonderful gifts given to us in our humanity, spirituality and nature. We have forgotten the gift of kindness to one another. 

We shun the poor from rising to freedom and encourage the worst behavior possible in the history of our humanity!  We have little remorse for those that are beneath us and seek to topple those above us. We have forgotten to be thankful for the gift of having what we have been given.  “Give us this day, our daily bread and forgive us …

Too many have forgotten to thank God for being His Heavenly Heirs, His chosen children. Too many have forgotten to pray for their spiritual brothers and sisters. Too many seek greed and ill gotten materialistic wealth as they step on the backs of their spiritual brothers and sisters. We have become a world of the “living dead” that seek greed while glorifying evilness and destruction via the media and press.

If you had an opportunity to be a saint or a sinner which would you choose?  It is my humble belief that most people would want to be the “godfather/mobster” as opposed to walking in the footsteps of Christ.

Imagine a person who is walking down the street and sees a house on fire and runs inside and saves the people. They all embrace and take great joy in being saved. Yet, the very next day they find out that they practice devotion to different religious faiths and immediately turn against one another.  A few days latter one of the people who had been saved in the fire is walking down the street and sees a house on fire and rushes into the flames and saves the people living there. They all embrace and are overcome with joy. Suddenly the rescuer recognizes one of the people rescued as the same person who had rescued him the previous week. Once again their resentment for one another causes them to part ways because they practice different spiritual paths. 
Isn’t this how most of the world behaves today? Even though we are all children of the same God we resent one another for practicing a faith different from our own faith.

Perhaps it is time we moved away from “religiosity” and moved toward “spirituality” in seeing the Holy Presence of God in each person we meet. Many different paths lead to the Eternal Kingdom and it might be time for humanity to arise and respect those different spiritual paths that seek only to glorify Heaven.

It seems the only time we truly come together as a people of goodness is when tragedy occurs. It seems that if the tragedy is great a greater goodness will occur for a longer amount of time. If you were God would you not send death and destruction to get the attention of your children who have turned your Kingdom upside down in order to save their souls?

Today the world considers the word “good” as “bad” and “bad” as “good”.  We have some how lost our way. We seem to prefer “death” and “destruction” over “joy’ and “love”. We focus on the materialistic and seem to have turned away from the spiritual. Yet Our Eternal Father loves us while He weeps for what He must do to save us.  If you were   God would you not send help in the form of Chastisements in order to save the souls of your children, even if it meant destroying the present earth and creating a new Heavenly Earth? 

It seems that when the stock market is up, and money is plentiful, and the good times are here the churches have few souls in attendance, but when the stock market is spiraling down, the money is gone, and hard times are upon us, we flock in great numbers to our Father’s House of Worship and plead for His Mercy and help.

Yet why should God help His children who have turned against him and embraced so many of His enemies such as war, greed, lust and pride? Yet, even though God grows angry and weeps He remembers that we our human and continually fall into the mud of sin. He sends His Son Jesus who has come to save His unrighteous spiritual brothers and sisters. How lucky and blessed we are to have such a wonderful and loving God.  Our Lord, Our God thank you for all you do to help save us!

There are a few souls who have devoted their lives to building Gods Kingdom. They have sacrificed everything for all of humanity. Thanks to Gods Mercy and Kindness our Chastisement has been softened with the help of their continuous prayers and devotions. These are our priests, monks, brothers, sisters, missionaries, deacons, and others who have taken spiritual vows (and other members of the laity) to devote their time to work without compensation in our Father’s vineyard. Their sacrifices are gifts we fail to grasp. Instead of focusing on their work we focus on all the negativity of this world.

Even though with each passing day it seems that the world situation grows worse we should take delight for soon the time of satan’s reign will be over and the new Heavenly Earth will begin. May Our Lord, Our God,  give each of us additional graces to carry and embrace our daily crosses and tribulations that grow heavier with each passing day by granting us spiritual wisdom, hope and perseverance as we await the new Heavenly Kingdom.

If you prayed today you have nothing to fear for Our Lord, Our God is with you. If you took the words of Holy Scripture and placed them within your heart then why should you fear the day or the night or what crosses or tribulations may be placed upon you?  As Saint Padre Pio said, “PRAY, HOPE AND DON’T WORRY”.  Why not ask Christ right now to allow you to follow in His footsteps, and to remain by your side.

Lord fill-up our small minds and our weak hearts with your Mercy, Forgiveness and Love so we might be more like You. Help us to pray each day and dwell within Holy Scripture. Help us to fulfill our Baptismal vows. Help us to take the higher road so that You might fill our hearts and souls with Your Spiritual Light and Love.

What about Judas who betrayed Christ and then felt such remorse that he went out and hung himself from a tree. Have your ever prayed for his eternal salvation for he still remains as one of your spiritual brothers? Are we not like Judas? Did he not truly love Jesus? Do we not love Jesus? Perhaps he loved Jesus more than you or I! How many of us have betrayed Jesus not just once but on numerous occasions? So let us take some time to remember to ask Our Lord to forgive Judas and grant him eternal salvation.

Jeremiah 12:
The whole land has become a desert, and no one cares.

Lord, help me to care and not to plunder for You have given me wealth beyond measure. You have made me your heir. You have made my family Your Heavenly heirs. What more can I ask of you for You have given the Keys to the Eternal Kingdom!

During this month may you be given the graces necessary to pray “Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven”.
Fatima Prayers is a division of Golden Doorways LLC.

Special News Update

Our language translator Bridget Hylak, and her husband Joseph Hooker, have written a song in honor of Our Priests. “Our Priests”/”Nuestros Sacerdotes” has been adopted as the Catholic Marketting Network’s official theme song of the Year of the Priest, and can be sampled at For more information, read the following. We hope you enjoy the following videos of their music.

Song (English Version)

Song (Spanish Version)

Luke John Hooker Tribute: "The Little Angel That Could"




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