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Thursday, July 1, 2010
July Current News
In Luke 18:18: “When the Son of Man comes will He find faith on the earth?” Lord, I do believe; help me in my unbelief …so that my faith may “move the mountain”.
In Luke 18:35-43: “And it came to pass that as Jesus drew near Jericho, a certain blind man sat by the side of the road begging. And hearing a crowd passing through he asked what this might be. And they told him: Jesus the Nazarene is passing by. And he cried out: Jesus, Son of David, pity me. And those going before Jesus scolded the man telling him he should be quiet. But he cried out all the more: Son of David, pity me. And stopping Jesus commanded that he be brought to Him. As the blind man drew near, Jesus asked him: What do you want me to do for you? And the blind man said to him: Lord that I may see again. And Jesus said to him: See again! Your faith has healed you. And at once the man saw again and he followed Jesus glorifying God.
Some ask why Jesus does not answer our prayers. But He does according to our faith and more often then not our faith is simply not there. While reading the New Testament our Lord often repeats in various ways: “According to your faith let it be done to you”.
The world is a mess because “we” have lost our way. We have little Faith in Jesus, Our Lord and Savior. So pray not just for yourself and your loved ones but for all children of God. Let Go and petition Our Lord that he may allow you to enter into His Heart so that your weakened faith may become a strong and powerful Faith that will bring joy to Our Lord when He returns. Time is of the essence. Prepare now while you still have the time for perhaps tonight or tomorrow Our Lord will come for you.
Recently I was in the Bible-Belt of the South. I spent a week in Mississippi and was overjoyed with the love and kindness of the people of this state. It seemed that the Holy Name of Jesus was on everyone’s lips and truly the Name of the Lord is being publicly and privately glorified by the numerous Houses of Worship in honor of Christ.
I remember the days of the Civil Rights Movement and as you will read in Sacred Scripture from much evil much goodness will arise. And so the South has arisen to embrace all children of God. I was amazed at the love, kindness and respect the people of Mississippi have grown into with the Blessings of Gods Divine Presence. I could feel the Holy Presence of Our God wherever I went. If the rest of the South is like Mississippi then truly the South had arisen while glorifying Our Lord.
Let us pray “Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven”. Let us believe that Our Lord will renew this earth. Let us believe with a greater faith that in this “Valley of Tears” that Gods planet has become will before the end of this decade become a “Valley of Rainbows” for you, your loved ones and all children of God. You FAITH will help bring this about. Imagine a world of peace and justice for each one of us as equals who will partake in our oneness as Gods beloved children.
Do you truly believe that Jesus will hear your prayers and make you holy and be able to raise you and those you love above this present Culture of Self-Destruction and Death. Too many of our children have been and continue to be falsely guided into this False Era of Self- Destruction and Death.
Unfortunately, we are now reaping what we have sown. We took up the False Mantra of Free Choice and now that Mantra is being applied to all the poor, middle class, and many of the rich, even some of the super-rich. Humanities’ talents and labor are no longer needed by the false rulers of this world. We are slowly being replaced by technology and robotic humanoids. Instead many of these rulers fill our minds and our hearts with false promises as they enter into their diabolical plot to exterminate 6 billion, 600 million 600 thousand children of God. So you say it is not so. Simply look about and see how many who had jobs and homes several years ago have no place to call home or a job today, or money for food. Yes, it will become worse for we have little faith. You will seek shelter but there will be no shelter for those with such little faith.
Prepare to meet the Lord who is coming in Peace, Love and Joy to free you from your enslavement. Do not allow your-self to become discouraged or mislead. If you or one of your loved ones has become trapped by the trickster into a life of self-destruction through negative behavior then turn to Our Lord with all your heart and pray constantly not just for yourself or your loved one but for all the children of God. Pray for Our Lord to find a strong a vibrant Faith within our Valley of Tears before He establishes the new earthly Kingdom. As the late St. John Paul II said, “Be Not Afraid”.
Be thankful for what you have and take pity and mercy upon those of great wealth whose hearts have been turned to stone as the expand Freedom of Choice and Choose to Exterminate most of the populous. For many of them, they don’t even realize what they are doing or have done. Some are looked upon as heroes by making billions of dollars but those dollars were made by stepping on the backs and even breaking the backs of their spiritual brothers and sisters. Forgive them and pity them for they have become blind and have fallen asleep in their materialistic world.
Let us pray that Our Lord may change their hearts so that they may share their bounty with those that have so little. May Our Lord help inspire these very wealthy families to take time to help uplift humanity from its misery. Keep them in your prayers for when they stand before the Almighty, God will expect much of them for they have been given much.
Did you ever wonder why one would want a billion dollars, or a zillion or trillion dollars? What good does it really do if you become the riches person in the world but find that your heart has been turned in to stone? The rich during the times of Julius Caesar have never gone away. They just became wealthier, as they hid their names and wealth from the world. But once a long time ago God held each one of them, as well as you and I in the palm of His Hand and called each of us by Name. What good does so much materialistic wealth do when the Angel of Death comes. We were born into this world with great spiritual wealth and we should take great care to protect our wealth as heirs of the Eternal Kingdom.
Let yourself not be deceived by the great deceiver satan. His time of rule is over and now the new era has already begun for those with a strong and powerful Faith. This world can offer you nothing. Only the peace and love of Christ can enrich you with spiritual wealth beyond anything this world can offer you.
As Our Lord pointed out, if we as poor sinners know how to be good to our children, then imagine how much more the Father in Heaven will give us for being His children regardless of our unworthiness.
During this time we have lost our Constitutional Rights to LIFE, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Without the right to life and liberty how can we pursue Peace and Happiness? But we can by allowing Christ to take us into His Heart and taste His Joy as we also drink from His Sacred Cup of Sorrow.
Some ask how can a loving God allow such misery. He doesn’t we instead have been given Free Will. For those of you who have lost a loved one know that your loved one has been given the gift of Eternal Life even though you will weep and your tears will flow and your heart will be ripped apart as you participate in carrying your heavy cross. But would you rather have it that God never granted your loved one life. Soon your tears of sorrow will be turned into tears of joy.
As for those that grieve over their abortion(s) know that the life that was aborted remains for what God creates can never be destroyed. Pray for your unborn child and pray for yourself for you did not know what you were doing. Your were fooled by this era of “Self-Destruction and Death”. You were indoctrinated and brainwashed by satan in being allowed to believe in “Freedom of Choice”. Perhaps you expect too little in forgiving yourself because you expect too little from Our Lord’s Fountain of Mercy. Let your Faith make you whole so that your heart may be open to the Holy Spirit. Let your Faith save you for you prayers and petitions for yourself and others are very powerful before the Eternal Kingdom.
As St. Paul wrote: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has it even entered into the conception of the human mind what God has prepared for those who love Him”. And where will you find this God. He is everywhere. He dwells within you and your neighbor, within your loved ones and all the billions of children of God, past, present and future. You are truly blessed and your riches are beyond those of this false and pretentious world. Just look at the models from Hollywood, TV, the media and press that today’s society embraces. So many of these famous people have failed in helping to uplift society but instead have embraced “destruction and death”. Why? Because too many of them have sought greed and believe in their own false-self and pride instead of being grateful by sharing their bounty with their lesser brothers and sisters.
Some of these famous celebrities have become addicted to some form of substance abuse. When they have a child that child might have a strong propensity toward addiction. They are not bad people nor should we judge them so we may not be judged but instead pray for a greater Faith for them and ourselves as well as all those we hold within our heart, mind and soul. In other words pray for all of humanity past, present and future. Your prayers are very powerful and touch the Heart of Our Living God. Become his number one pest and petition Him constantly by praying, “Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven”.
If you been following the media and press and then trusting in what you see going on about you one cannot fail to grasp the severity of our economic situation. It is my belief that we are living though the beginning Times of Revelation.
Based on my own personal spiritual/religious experiences and many years ago while reading “To the Priests Our Lady’s Beloved Sons” by The Marian Movement of Priests” I decided to invest more time in prayer and Faith Building as well as stock investments. You can find more information about The Marian Movement of Priests by using the search engine on this site or clicking on links. As for my free investment newsletter you might find it enjoyable by going to or When reading any of my posts you will notice that my emphasis remains on spiritual wealth. Even if you must pester the Blessed Trinity and the Holy Family both day and night then do so. Eventually Heaven will answer your prayers regardless of what you might or might not have done. Remember Jesus said that He has come for the unrighteous and that only God is all pure and all good.
We are in the process of creating a friendlier user design to the Fatima Prayers web site. Perhaps by August or sooner the new site web site will be completed.
As for the new language updates it has been a continuous struggle, but we hope to resume that project this month and limit the number of languages according to Gods Divine Will.
May the Blessings of Our Lord Jesus precede you, be with you now and follow in all you do on behalf of Our Father’s Kingdom. May Our Lord bestow on you, your family and loved ones the gift of entering into His Heart and tasting from His cup of Joy and being given the gift to share in His Sorrow.
Fatima Prayers Ministry
Fatima Prayers is a division of Golden Doorways LLC.
Special News Update
Our language translator Bridget Hylak, and her husband Joseph Hooker, have written a song in honor of Our Priests. “Our Priests”/”Nuestros Sacerdotes” has been adopted as the Catholic Marketting Network’s official theme song of the Year of the Priest, and can be sampled at For more information, read the following. We hope you enjoy the following videos of their music.
Song (English Version)
Song (Spanish Version)
Luke John Hooker Tribute: "The Little Angel That Could"