Current News


Monday, August 30, 2010

September Current News

The Vatican YouTube                                                     H2O News from Rome

“Weep not for me but for your children”. Today our world seems to be ruled by the forces of death and destruction. We find ourselves in a Valley of Tears. We have been betrayed by our world leaders.

Isn’t it time we turned our hearts and minds to God and loving our neighbors as we love ourselves. But perhaps the problem might be that most people don’t really like themselves and so it is very difficult to love your neighbor if you don’t like (love) yourself.

We have allowed the forces of satan to rule this world when it might be better if we prayed as often as possible “Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven”.

Father we cry out to you to help us by establishing your Kingdom. We know that you don’t work for us but will work with us. So perhaps if more people turned off their TVs and turned to prayer maybe You will renew the Face of this Earth.

Monday, August 2, 2010

August Current News

The Vatican YouTube                                                     H2O News from Rome

MATTHEW 5:43-48

You have heard that it was said, “you shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.” But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you  may be children of your Father in Heaven; for he makes His son rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the righteous and on the unrighteous. For if you love those who love you,, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same?  And if you greet only your brothers and sisters, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? Be perfect, therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect.

Jesus is merely challenging us to be perfect like our Heavenly Father. Yet, he also knows of our human limitations but He wants us to go the extra measure. He is not expecting perfection merely one’s intent regardless of how often one may fail in that attempt.

Plead with Our Lord to take you into His Heart. Plead with Our Lord to let you take a sip from His Cup of Sorrow and Joy so that you may grow in Holiness and FAITH.

Often repeat “Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven” ….

Recently I received wonderful news from the Marian Movement of Priests:

Fr. Gobbi is eighty years old and is still traveling. The Blessed Mother performed a great miracle through him in 2008. He conducted cenacles for the whole month of October in Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Rwanda while traveling with the pilgrim statue of Our Lady of Fatima. Those countries were at war for fifteen years. From the first cenacle, he promised that if they consecrated their countries to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, there would be peace. Because of this promise that was broadcast on the national news, more than three million people came to the different cenacles that were conducted in open fields. Even some members of Parliament participated at the cenacles. Two months later, all three countries signed a peace agreement. 

For those interested in more information on the MMP (Marian Movement Of Priests) simply use the search engine or go to the links page.

The Foreshadowing of the New Era
From the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World of the
Second Vatican Council (Gaudium et Spes N. 39)

We do not know the time when earth and humanity will reach their
completion, nor do we know the way in which the universe will be
transformed. The world as we see it, disfigured by sin, is passing away.
But we are assured that God is preparing a new dwelling place and a new
earth. In this new earth righteousness is to make its home, and
happiness will satisfy, and more than satisfy, all the yearnings for
peace that arise in human hearts. On that day, when death is conquered,
the sons of God will be raised up in Christ; what was sown as something
weak and perishable will be clothed in incorruption. Love and the fruits
of love will remain, and the whole of creation, made by God for man, will
be set free from the frustration that enslaves it.
We are warned indeed that a man gains nothing if he wins the
whole world at the cost of himself. Yet our hope in a new earth should
not weaken, but rather stimulate our concern for developing this earth,
for on it there is growing up the body of a new human family, a body even
now able to provide some foreshadowing of the new age. Hence, though
earthly progress is to be carefully distinguished from the growth of
Christ's kingdom, yet in so far as it can help toward the better ordering
of human society it is of great importance to the kingdom of God.
The blessings of human dignity, brotherly communion and freedom -
all the good fruits on earth of man's cooperation with nature in the
Spirit of the Lord and according to his command - will be found again in
the world to come, but purified of all stain, resplendent and
transfigured, when Christ hands over to the Father an eternal and
universal kingdom: "a kingdom of truth and life, a kingdom of holiness
and grace, a kingdom of justice, love and peace." On this earth the
kingdom is already present in sign; when the Lord comes it will reach its

*H20 News From Rome will be discontinued for only the month of August.

We have begun to move ahead on our language translations and will put then up once the present site is redesigned with and aim toward the autumn of this year.

In closing I would like to recommend to you a book titled:

ISBN: 978-1-58617-287-9  -Ignatius Press
Fatima Prayers is a division of Golden Doorways LLC.

Special News Update

Our language translator Bridget Hylak, and her husband Joseph Hooker, have written a song in honor of Our Priests. “Our Priests”/”Nuestros Sacerdotes” has been adopted as the Catholic Marketting Network’s official theme song of the Year of the Priest, and can be sampled at For more information, read the following. We hope you enjoy the following videos of their music.

Song (English Version)

Song (Spanish Version)

Luke John Hooker Tribute: "The Little Angel That Could"




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