Current News


Monday, August 30, 2010

September Current News

The Vatican YouTube                                                     H2O News from Rome

“Weep not for me but for your children”. Today our world seems to be ruled by the forces of death and destruction. We find ourselves in a Valley of Tears. We have been betrayed by our world leaders.

Isn’t it time we turned our hearts and minds to God and loving our neighbors as we love ourselves. But perhaps the problem might be that most people don’t really like themselves and so it is very difficult to love your neighbor if you don’t like (love) yourself.

We have allowed the forces of satan to rule this world when it might be better if we prayed as often as possible “Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven”.

Father we cry out to you to help us by establishing your Kingdom. We know that you don’t work for us but will work with us. So perhaps if more people turned off their TVs and turned to prayer maybe You will renew the Face of this Earth.
Fatima Prayers is a division of Golden Doorways LLC.

Special News Update

Our language translator Bridget Hylak, and her husband Joseph Hooker, have written a song in honor of Our Priests. “Our Priests”/”Nuestros Sacerdotes” has been adopted as the Catholic Marketting Network’s official theme song of the Year of the Priest, and can be sampled at For more information, read the following. We hope you enjoy the following videos of their music.

Song (English Version)

Song (Spanish Version)

Luke John Hooker Tribute: "The Little Angel That Could"




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