The Fatima Chaplet
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Tuesday, December 1, 2009
We of the Fatima Prayers Ministry call upon the Human angels of God to continue to offer greater sacrifice, love, prayer and suffering for all of God’s children. The Human angels we call upon are YOU his imperfect children. We need your precious prayers to stem the flow of satan and his league of wolves that disguise themselves in sheep’s clothing.
You are the chosen ones who can help bring the Light of Christ upon this world that is being continually mislead by those who have become loyal followers of satan. Do not worry about your sins or your past but instead simply TRUST in Jesus.
Today many souls feel abandoned by God but in fact it is we who have abandoned God yet God has never abandoned us. We must be willing to offer our total selves for the victory of Our Heavenly Mother in crushing the head of satan and freeing satan’s captive souls.
Many of those who have been given so much by God have not just turned against God but against their spiritual brothers and sisters who have been given less. Many of those in power have come to believe (since every 10 years technology advances 100 years) that they are on the verge of becoming gods who will decide the fate of humanity. The extermination of God’s children has already begun and will continue to increase. Right now the government leaders and many world citizens are delighted on how robotic machines are helping to save tax costs by doing away with massive numbers of jobs. Unfortunately, unless God intervenes soon within 20 to 30 years 80 to 90% of the world’s population will be exterminated. This extermination has already begun for those that cannot defend themselves. Soon the poor, middle class, upper middle class as well as some of the rich and even some of the wealthy have no idea that they will soon be next.
The media and news are constantly giving misinformation that has created a Culture of Death. You might escape, but for those in their 20’s and younger they will be cast aside by the new humanoids and robotic nanobots. These technological advances could either be a blessing and help usher in a new Garden of Eden or totally destroy humanity. Many wonder about their jobs but imagine within 10 years a computer that will have the capability to sit on a desktop, cost less than a $1,000 dollars and do all the human brain calculations of all humanity within a millisecond.
You might want to give serious thought to earnestly seeking God with a greater urgency and offer your very life if necessary for God’s Kingdom.
Recently there has been much in the news about the mammograms for women in their 40’s. Several weeks earlier it was reported that there are only about five machines that make one of the special isotopes for these tests. Four of these facilities are not working and the fifth is barely working. The machine/facilities are about 50 years old. Now do you really believe that the governments of the world knew nothing about this. If you look to the government to save you unfortunately you will be betrayed. Only by turning to Heaven and seeking Divine Intervention will you be able to realize the DIABOLICAL PLAN of satan and his followers against the children of God.
Yet with prayer you have nothing to fear. As Jesus said, he has prepared a place for each one of us if we only trust in Him.
The false gods of satan have promised you long life and prosperity when in truth they have already begun the extermination of the children of God. You were ransomed with the blood of Christ so render unto Caesar what is Caesars and what is Gods to God. You belong to God and not to satan and his lies. He fills the airways and media with lots of false propaganda while your life grows darker with despair. Awake from your slumber and see the world for what it really is. Betray yourself and your loved ones no more but instead return to your family prayer. Return to your Holy Church and walk with it during Its crucifixion.
As you go about your day judge no other person or religion less you be judged. Instead simply turn to God when you awake, also during the day and when you retire at night to help guide and protect not only yourself but your loved ones.
Do you really believe that the brazen duo that crashed the White House State Dinner on Tuesday night November 24, 2009 did so by chance? Perhaps instead this was a warning by those in power directed at the President to remind him just have vulnerable he is.
President John Kennedy, Senator Bobby Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., willingly shed their blood for us. Are you willing to pray in earnest for our President’s protection against the forces of satan? It will be extremely difficulty for him to make the right choices without massive numbers of Human Angels praying for his and his families protection.
Those in world power have already destroyed the world currencies as well as the education of the people. We are simply be systematically controlled and exterminated.
Now perhaps all that I have written is way to difficult to believe so instead simply go before the Blessed Sacrament and ask Our Lord for His truth and guidance.
The truth is that we are all children of God and we should not judge any other religion or those in power but instead offer prayer, sacrifice and whatever else God asks of us. For we belong to Him and He belongs to Us for we are His Children!
Instead of are religious leaders focusing on specific issues they need to come together NOT as one religion but as children of God and call upon all of God’s children to seek God, so that His Kingdom is established on earth as it is in Heaven. Only then will we find true peace and happiness.
Fatima Prayers Ministry
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Unfortunately, many seem to perhaps believe that God and all of Heaven work for them. When the real truth is that God and all of Heaven will work with us but not for us.
Through prayer we are able to better see the path of God and His Divine / Human Son Jesus and the path of satan that leads to self-enslavement and destruction of the many Divine Gifts God has given each of us.
In all Marian Apparitions Mary begins her message and ends her message by leading us back to her Son Jesus the Christ. She always remains within humility as the Handmaid of God. She continues to relentlessly fight for each of us while asking us simply to return to Her Son Jesus and spend time in prayer.
It is my sincere belief that within the next 10 years we will witness the Miracles of a new earth under the leadership of God and His Heavenly Kingdom. We must be willing to make a most important decision now to either stand with God or stand with satan. God has sent His Son Jesus with the Gift of Divine Mercy but no one knows when the Master will return to take charge of this earth. Are you prepared for the Master's Return?
Too many today worry about the stock market and tomorrow when we have little control over this world that is presently under the 24/7 influence of satan. We have entered into perhaps the worst time of any other time recorded within the Bible. Perhaps it is best to prepare now for the battle that has been raging and will soon become witnessed by all the people of the world. This will include not only the living but the deceased.
It seems that the world has gone mad with greed, selfishness and frivolous pursuits instead of at least trying to resist the temptations of satan’s vast empire. In every facet of life each of us unknowingly give a part of our hard earned money to satan’s empire. Yet Christ said “Render unto Caesar what is Caesars and what is Gods unto God.
We have each been ransomed by the blood of Christ and yet how often we foolishly forget that we are an enslaved people. We have the choice to accept the gift of our freedom through turning to Our Lord Jesus the Christ, and render even more to Caesar without bitterness but instead by offering prayers that will bring joy to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Let each one of us carry our many crosses with Divine Intervention so that those crosses we carry will become less bitter and actually lighter even as God increases them in number of heaviness.
Let us turn to Mary our Heavenly Mother with prayer of the Holy Rosary. You can make time for prayer by turning off your TV/media/press for as long as possible and turn to prayer within your Church and within the stillness of your inner room which is were you will also find the answers to the many crosses you are carrying. As you seek God you will enter into the Heart of God and find the peace you are seeking.
The time for you to make a free choice can only be made by turning off the constant propaganda of satan’s empire and going into the stillness of Gods Divine Light through prayer. Your prayer of Heart will lead you back to the Sacraments and working in Our Lord's Vineyard without counting the cost or seeking financial success. You will soon find yourself before the Blessed Sacrament which will bring you back to Holy Communion and attending Holy Mass. At Mass you can bind yourself to Christ as you undergo His Crucifixion and that of your own.
It may seem at times that God and all of Heaven have abandoned you but in reality isn't it you who have abandoned God. Our Lord Jesus dwells within each one of us and we can seek him by knocking on the door until we find inner joy and peace. This is a joy and a peace that the present world can never give you no matter how much material wealth you have.
The theme from Santuario de Fatima for this year is “that the pure of heart shall see God”. Give yourself and your beloved ones a chance by returning to your prayer life so that you may become as pure of heart as God so Wills. Even if it is only for a few minutes a day that you pray not just with words but with thoughts of love or total stillness allow yourself to start spending just a few minutes each day or as often as God allows you to spend. Give Heaven a chance to lead you to your inheritance as a child of God.
This present world is overflowing with false promises and deception. How many of our children have been lead astray and even to that of dying from addictions of various kinds. Isn’t it time for each of us to gather our energy and strength and join with the forces of Heaven through Our Lady of Fatima “Our Lady of the Rosary”. Our Heavenly Mother needs you to help by having you spend some time in prayer.
Our Lord Jesus didn’t come for the righteous but for each one of us who are unrighteous. So for whatever reason you may find yourself in, simply turn to God and seek to enter into the stillness of time and space and soon you will find yourself within His Divine Light.
Perhaps for some this will be an easy task and yet for others perhaps not. Yet Our Lord has promised that those who work in His Vineyard will receive His greatest gift ... that of a share in His Cross. So when you lift your cross be thankful even though at times this will seem impossible and you will stumble for we are mere humans. Jesus stumbled three times while carrying His Cross. So even if you stumble 10,000 times times 10,000 more times, Our Lord will Bless you just as many times.
Regardless of what you have done or where you have been you are a child of God and have been ransomed by the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. So go to Him and spend time with Him while there is still time. Time is a precious gift yet no one knows when that gift will end.
May Our Lady of Fatima lead you to Her Son Jesus. May you turn to the numerous Devotions and judge no one for what they have done or what they believe for when you point your finger at another three of your fingers point back to you. Instead allow God to be God and you to be a Child of God.
Each of us have been chosen by Our Heavenly Father to be inheritors of His Kingdom. The present “Kingdom” of your earthly journey is no Kingdom but instead an opportunity to live within the world but not be part of the world. We have an opportunity to give our allegiance to the True Kingdom of God. Turn from the evilness of satan and those that fill you with false promises and false hopes. Beware of those who come in sheeps clothing but are truly satans followers who seek to devour your soul and lead you into eternal ruin.
A diabolical plan has been set in motion for the extermination of 70 to 80% of the world’s population within the next 10 through 30 year time.Sound impossible. Did you know that with each passing decade we jump ahead 100 years in medical and numerous other technologies. You are being replaced by nanobots, new technology, robotics and computerized humanoids. Think it sounds silly? What do you do with those items you no longer need or find useful? You discard them and so we will soon be discarded. "They" who have cast their allegiance to satan, while claiming to be servants of God and servants of the people have filled your mind with false promises that have caused you nothing but distress and heartache. Yet if "they" were true servants of God we would have a much different instead of the one we have now. The false leaders have chosen to slay their spiritual brother and sister for they wish to become gods and live to be 200 and 300 or older while looking and feeling youthful as if they were 21. You think this is science fiction? A make believe story? It has already begun.
The massive world economic crisis was set in motion decades ago by "those" that seek to serve as the new false gods under satans empire. You and your family mean nothing to these false gods. Because of the present economic world crisis a special world summit has been called for in order to begin the planning for a one world government using a one world currency. Eventually, there will be a one world religion that will be under the influence of satan. Turn on your TV and look at all the false propaganda you and your loved ones are constantly being subjected to. The TV and news is filled every day with more lies that are meant to steal your heart, mind and soul.
All that what has presently begun has been foretold in Holy Sacred Scripture as well as by the approved and semi-approved apparitions. All that our Faith is built upon has told us to prepare for the coming days of Darkness. Have your prepared? If not than perhaps this would be a good time to begin. If you have a loved one that has become trapped by satan and is still with you or whose life has been taken it is not too late to turn to prayer for you can still save their soul and all those you hold within your heart and allow your loved one(s) the gift of eternal salvation through your intercessory prayer.
With God there is only now. So take this precious gift of prayer and bestow it upon those whom you hold within your heart and if your heart grows big enough through Gods Divine Light you may soon find yourself praying for all of God’s children.
The signs are all around us as the Bible has foretold. So why not rejoice and prepare for the new Kingdom. But enter the Vineyard slowly and allow God to set the pace. Do not become discouraged if you find moments of non-payer or difficulty praying or even attending Mass. Allow God to be God and you to be a Child of God following the Ways of God.
May the Blessing of Jesus Christ be with you now, precede you, and follow you in all you do on behalf of Our Fathers Kingdom.
Thank you.
Fatima Prayers Ministry
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
October News
The 92nd Sixth Fatima Apparition of October 13, 1917
During the night of 12-13 October it had rained throughout, soaking the ground and the pilgrims who make their way to Fátima from all directions by the thousands. By foot, by cart and even by car they came, entering the bowl of the Cova from the Fátima-Leiria road, which today still passes in front of the large square of the Basilica. From there they made their way down the gently slope to the place where a trestle had been erected over the little holm oak of the apparitions. Today on the site is the modern glass and steel Capelhina (little chapel), enclosing the first chapel built there and the statue of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fátima where the holm oak had stood.
As for the children, they made their way to the Cova amid the adulation and skepticism which had followed them since May. When they arrived they found critics who questioned their veracity and the punctuality of the Lady, who had promised to arrive at noon. It was well passed noon by the official time of the country. However, when the sun arrived at its zenith the Lady appeared as she had said she would.
"What do you want of me?"
I want a chapel built here in my honor. I want you to continue saying the Rosary every day. The war will end soon, and the soldiers will return to their homes.
"Yes. Yes."
"Will you tell me your name?"
I am the Lady of the Rosary.
"I have many petitions from many people. Will you grant them? "
Some I shall grant, and others I must deny. People must amend their lives and ask pardon for their sins. They must not offend our Lord any more, for He is already too much offended!
"And is that all you have to ask?"
There is nothing more.
As the Lady of the Rosary rises toward the east she turns the palms of her hands toward the dark sky. While the rain had stopped, dark clouds continued to obscure the sun, which suddenly bursts through them and is seen to be a soft spinning disk of silver.
"Look at the sun!"
From this point two distinct apparitions were seen, that of the phenomenon of the sun seen by the 70,000 or so spectators and that beheld by the children alone. Lucia describes the latter in her memoirs.
After our Lady had disappeared into the immense distance of the firmament, we beheld St. Joseph with the Child Jesus and Our Lady robed in white with a blue mantle, beside the sun. St. Joseph and the Child Jesus seemed to bless the world, for they traced the Sign of the Cross with their hands. When, a little later, this apparition disappeared, I saw Our Lord and Our lady; it seemed to me to that it was Our Lady of Sorrows (Dolors). Our Lord appeared to bless the world in the same manner as St. Joseph had done. This apparition also vanished, and I saw Our Lady once more, this time resembling Our Lady of Carmel. [Only Lucia would see the later, presaging her entrance into Carmel some years later.]
This would be the last of the apparitions of Fátima for Jacinta and Francisco. However, for Lucia Our Lady would return a seventh time, in 1920, as she had promised the previous May. At that time Lucia would be praying in the Cova before leaving Fátima for a girls boarding school. The Lady would come to urge her to dedicate herself wholly to God.
As the children viewed the various apparitions of Jesus, Mary and Joseph the crowd witnessed a different prodigy, the now famous miracle of the sun. Among the witnesses there were the following:
O Seculo (a pro-government, anti-clerical, Lisbon paper):
From the road, where the vehicles were parked and where hundreds of people who had not dared to brave the mud were congregated, one could see the immense multitude turn toward the sun, which appeared free from clouds and in its zenith. It looked like a plaque of dull silver, and it was possible to look at it without the least discomfort. It might have been an eclipse which was taking place. But at that moment a great shout went up, and one could hear the spectators nearest at hand shouting: "A miracle! A miracle!
Before the astonished eyes of the crowd, whose aspect was biblical as they stood bareheaded, eagerly searching the sky, the sun trembled, made sudden incredible movements outside all cosmic laws---the sun "danced" according to the typical expression of the people.
Standing at the step of an omnibus was an old man. With his face turned to the sun, he recited the Credo in a loud voice. I asked who he was and was told Senhor Joao da Cunha Vasconcelos. I saw him afterwards going up to those around him who still had their hats on, and vehemently imploring them to uncover before such an extraordinary demonstration of the existence of God.
Identical scenes were repeated elsewhere, and in one place a woman cried out: "How terrible! There are even men who do not uncover before such a stupendous miracle!"
People then began to ask each other what they had seen. The great majority admitted to having seen the trembling and the dancing of the sun; others affirmed that they saw the face of the Blessed Virgin; others, again, swore that the sun whirled on itself like a giant Catherine wheel and that it lowered itself to the earth as if to burn it in its rays. Some said they saw it change colors successively....
O Dia (another Lisbon daily, edition of 17 October 1917):
"At one o'clock in the afternoon, midday by the sun, the rain stopped. The sky, pearly grey in colour, illuminated the vast arid landscape with a strange light. The sun had a transparent gauzy veil so that the eyes could easily be fixed upon it. The grey mother-of-pearl tone turned into a sheet of silver which broke up as the clouds were torn apart and the silver sun, enveloped in the same gauzy grey light, was seen to whirl and turn in the circle of broken clouds. A cry went up from every mouth and people fell on their knees on the muddy ground....
The light turned a beautiful blue, as if it had come through the stained-glass windows of a cathedral, and spread itself over the people who knelt with outstretched hands. The blue faded slowly, and then the light seemed to pass through yellow glass. Yellow stains fell against white handkerchiefs, against the dark skirts of the women. They were repeated on the trees, on the stones and on the serra. People wept and prayed with uncovered heads, in the presence of a miracle they had awaited. The seconds seemed like hours, so vivid were they.
Ti Marto (father of Jacinta and Francisco)
We looked easily at the sun, which for some reason did not blind us. It seemed to flicker on and off, first one way, then another. It cast its rays in many directions and painted everything in different colors--- the trees, the people, the air and the ground. But what was most extraordinary, I thought, was that the sun did not hurt our eyes. Everything was still and quiet, and everyone was looking up. Then at a certain moment, the sun appeared to stop spinning. It then began to move and to dance in the sky until it seemed to detach itself from its place and fall upon us. It was a terrible moment.
Maria de Capelinha (one of the earliest believers):
The sun turned everything to different colours---yellow, blue and white. Then it shook and trembled. It looked like a wheel of fire that was going to fall on the people. They began to cry out, "We shall all be killed!" Others called to our Lady to save them. They recited acts of contrition. One woman began to confess her sins aloud, advertising that she had done this and that.... When at last the sun stopped leaping and moving, we all breathed our relief. We were still alive, and the miracle which the children had foretold, had been seen by everyone.
I was looking at the place of the apparitions, in a serene, if cold, expectation of something happening, and with diminishing curiosity, because a long time had passed without anything to excite my attention. Then I heard a shout from thousands of voices and saw the multitude suddenly turn its back and shoulders away from the point toward which up to now it had directed its attention, and turn to look at the sky on the opposite side.
It must have been nearly two o'clock by the legal time, and about midday by the sun. The sun, a few moments before, had broken through the thick layer of clouds which hid it, and shone clearly and intensely. I veered to the magnet which seemed to be drawing all eyes, and saw it as a disc with a clean-cut rim, luminous and shining, but which did not hurt the eyes. I do not agree with the comparison which I have heard made in Fatima---that of a dull silver disc. It was a clearer, richer, brighter colour, having something of the luster of a pearl. It did not in the least resemble the moon on a clear night because one saw it and felt it to be a living body. It was not spheric like the moon, nor did it have the same colour, tone, or shading. It looked like a glazed wheel made of mother-of-pearl. It could not be confused, either, with the sun seen through fog (for there was no fog at the time), because it was not opaque, diffused or veiled. In Fatima it gave light and heat and appeared clear-cut with a well-defined rim.
The sky was mottled with light cirrus clouds with the blue coming through here and there, but sometimes the sun stood out in patches of clear sky. The clouds passed from west to east and did not obscure the light of the sun, giving the impression of passing behind it, though sometimes these flecks of white took on tones of pink or diaphanous blue as they passed before the sun.
It was a remarkable fact that one could fix one's eyes on this brazier of heat and light without any pain in the eyes or blinding of the retina. The phenomenon, except for two interruptions when the sun seemed to send out rays of refulgent heat which obliged us to look away, must have lasted about ten minutes.
The sun's disc did not remain immobile. This was not the sparkling of a, heavenly body, for it spun round on itself in a mad whirl. Then, suddenly, one heard a clamour, a cry of anguish breaking from all the people. The sun, whirling wildly, seemed to loosen itself from the firmament and advance threateningly upon the earth as if to crush us with its huge and fiery weight. The sensation during those moments was terrible.
During the solar phenomenon, which I have just described in detail, there were changes of colour in the atmosphere. Looking at the sun, I noticed that everything around was becoming darkened. I looked first at the nearest objects and then extended my glance further afield as far as the horizon. I saw everything an amethyst colour. Objects around me, the sky and the atmosphere, were of the same colour. An oak tree nearby threw a shadow of this colour on the ground.
Fearing that I was suffering from an affection of the retina, an improbable explanation because in that case one could not see things purple-colored, I turned away and shut my eyes, keeping my hands before them to intercept the light. With my back still turned, I opened my eyes and saw that the landscape was the same purple colour as before.
The impression was not that of an eclipse, and while looking at the sun I noticed that the atmosphere had cleared. Soon after I heard a peasant who was near me shout out in tones of astonishment: "Look, that lady is all yellow!"
And in fact everything, both near and far, had changed, taking on the colour of old yellow damask. People looked as if they were suffering from jaundice, and I recall a sensation of amusement at seeing them look so ugly and unattractive. My own hand was the same colour. All the phenomena which I have described were observed by me in a calm and serene state of mind, and without any emotional disturbance. It is for others to interpret and explain them.
Dr. Almeida Garrett, PhD (Coimbra University):
I was looking at the place of the apparitions, in a serene, if cold, expectation of something happening, and with diminishing curiosity, because a long time had passed without anything to excite my attention. Then I heard a shout from thousands of voices and saw the multitude suddenly turn its back and shoulders away from the point toward which up to now it had directed its attention, and turn to look at the sky on the opposite side.
It must have been nearly two o'clock by the legal time, and about midday by the sun. The sun, a few moments before, had broken through the thick layer of clouds which hid it, and shone clearly and intensely. I veered to the magnet which seemed to be drawing all eyes, and saw it as a disc with a clean-cut rim, luminous and shining, but which did not hurt the eyes. I do not agree with the comparison which I have heard made in Fátima---that of a dull silver disc. It was a clearer, richer, brighter color, having something of the luster of a pearl. It did not in the least resemble the moon on a clear night because one saw it and felt it to be a living body. It was not spheric like the moon, nor did it have the same color, tone, or shading. It looked like a glazed wheel made of mother-of-pearl. It could not be confused, either, with the sun seen through fog (for there was no fog at the time), because it was not opaque, diffused or veiled. In Fátima it gave light and heat and appeared clear-cut with a well-defined rim.
The sky was mottled with light cirrus clouds with the blue coming through here and there, but sometimes the sun stood out in patches of clear sky. The clouds passed from west to east and did not obscure the light of the sun, giving the impression of passing behind it, though sometimes these flecks of white took on tones of pink or diaphanous blue as they passed before the sun.
It was a remarkable fact that one could fix one's eyes on this brazier of heat and light without any pain in the eyes or blinding of the retina. The phenomenon, except for two interruptions when the sun seemed to send out rays of refulgent heat which obliged us to look away, must have lasted about ten minutes.
The sun's disc did not remain immobile. This was not the sparkling of a, heavenly body, for it spun round on itself in a mad whirl. Then, suddenly, one heard a clamor, a cry of anguish breaking from all the people. The sun, whirling wildly, seemed to loosen itself from the firmament and advance threateningly upon the earth as if to crush us with its huge and fiery weight. The sensation during those moments was terrible.
During the solar phenomenon, which I have just described in detail, there were changes of color in the atmosphere. Looking at the sun, I noticed that everything around was becoming darkened. I looked first at the nearest objects and then extended my glance further afield as far as the horizon. I saw everything an amethyst color. Objects around me, the sky and the atmosphere, were of the same color. An oak tree nearby threw a shadow of this color on the ground.
Fearing that I was suffering from an affection of the retina, an improbable explanation because in that case one could not see things purple-colored, I turned away and shut my eyes, keeping my hands before them to intercept the light. With my back still turned, I opened my eyes and saw that the landscape was the same purple color as before.
The impression was not that of an eclipse, and while looking at the sun I noticed that the atmosphere had cleared. Soon after I heard a peasant who was near me shout out in tones of astonishment: "Look, that lady is all yellow!"
And in fact everything, both near and far, had changed, taking on the color of old yellow damask. People looked as if they were suffering from jaundice, and I recall a sensation of amusement at seeing them look so ugly and unattractive. My own hand was the same color. All the phenomena which I have described were observed by me in a calm and serene state of mind, and without any emotional disturbance. It is for others to interpret and explain them.
Dr. Domingos Coelho (reported in the newspaper Ordem):
The sun, at one moment surrounded with scarlet flame, at another aureoled in yellow and deep purple, seemed to be in an exceedingly fast and whirling movement, at times appearing to be loosened from the sky and to be approaching the earth, strongly radiating heat.
Fr. Manuel Pereira da Silva (in a letter to a friend)
The sun appeared with its circumference well defined. It came down as if to the height of the clouds and began to whirl giddily upon itself like a captive ball of fire. With some interruptions, this lasted about eight minutes. The atmosphere darkened and the features of each became yellow. Everyone knelt even in the mud....
Senhor Alfredo da Silva Santos (Lisbon):
We made our arrangements, and went in three motor cars on the early morning of the 13th. There was a thick mist, and the car which went in front mistook the way so that we were all lost for a time and only arrived at the Cova da Iria at midday by the sun. It was absolutely full of people, but for my part I felt devoid of any religious feeling. When Lucia called out: "Look at the sun!" the whole multitude repeated: "Attention to the sun!" It was a day of incessant drizzle but a few moments before the miracle it stopped raining. I can hardly find words to describe what followed. The sun began to move, and at a certain moment appeared to be detached from the sky and about to hurtle upon us like a wheel of flame. My wife---we had been married only a short time- -- fainted, and I was too upset to attend to her, and my brother-in- law, Joao Vassalo, supported her on his arm. I fell on my knees, oblivious of everything, and when I got up I don't know what I said. I think I began to cry out like the others. An old man with a white beard began to attack the atheists aloud and challenged them to say whether or not something supernatural had occurred.
There may have been many former atheists in Fátima that day, but there were plenty in Portugal, nonetheless, to charge hallucination. For those the Lady provided witnesses who were not at the scene and could not have been subject to collective suggestion.
Alfonso Lopes Vieira (observed the display from a distance of nearly 25 miles):
On that day of October 13, 1917, without remembering the predictions of the children, I was enchanted by a remarkable spectacle in the sky of a kind I had never seen before. I saw it from this veranda....
Fr. Ignacio Lorenco (Alburitel, 11 miles away):
I was only nine years old at this time, and I went to the local village school. At about midday we were surprised by the shouts and cries of some men and women who were passing in the street in front of the school. The teacher, a good, pious woman, though nervous and impressionable, was the first to run into the road, with the children after her.
Outside, the people were shouting and weeping and pointing to the sun, ignoring the agitated questions of the schoolmistress. It was the great Miracle, which one could see quite distinctly from the top of the hill where my village was situated---the Miracle of the sun, accompanied by all its extraordinary phenomena.
I feel incapable of describing what I saw and felt. I looked fixedly at the sun, which seemed pale and did not hurt the eyes. Looking like a ball of snow revolving on itself, it suddenly seemed to come down in a zigzag, menacing the earth. Terrified, I ran and hid myself among the people, who were weeping and expecting the end of the world at any moment.
Near us was an unbeliever who had spent the morning mocking at the simpletons who had gone off to Fátima just to see an ordinary girl. He now seemed to be paralyzed, his eyes fixed on the sun. Afterwards he trembled from head to foot and lifting up his arms fell on his knees in the mud, crying out to our Lady.
Meanwhile the people continued to cry out and to weep, asking God to pardon their sins. We all ran to the two chapels in the village, which were soon filled to overflowing. During those long moments of the solar prodigy, objects around us turned all the colors of the rainbow. We saw ourselves blue, yellow, red, etc. All these strange phenomena increased the fears of the people. After about ten minutes the sun, now dull and pallid, returned to its place. When the people realized that the danger was over, there was an explosion of joy, and everyone joined in thanksgiving and praise to our Lady.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Recovery Sunday
All parishes in the Archdiocese of New York will hold an annual day of prayer for all those struggling with, and in recovery from addictive illnesses. Let us also call upon our Lady of Fatima to help in finding a cure for these many different forms of addiction, especially since September 13 will be the 92nd Anniversary of the 5th Apparition of Our Lady of Fatima.
Recovery Sunday was inaugurated in 1999 by Cardinal O’Connor and continues now under the leadership and direction of Archbishop Dolan.
It seems that No family today has not had a family member or close family friend or know of a personal friend who has not suffered from this illness.
Let our prayers offer those whom are afflicted a message of hope.
If you would like to help join us in starting a National Movement to find a cure while also making the public aware that this has become the Number One Illness in the World then please contact us at The lack of world research and the financial cost to society exceeds that of any other illness.
Many of our children and loved ones are being led to their untimely death by our present 24/7 culture of violence, death and drugs. The media begins indoctrinating our youth from the moment they begin to watch TV or listen to music.
Presently there are numerous members of the medical society that believe there is a gene that is triggered in certain individuals that causes them to be unable to stop their excessive addiction which will then led to their premature death.
Many treatment programs offer various types of treatment and yet most have a very limited success rate. Present research data indicates that perhaps 85% of the afflicted population simply succumb to their illness.
Please offer your prayers that the research scientists and members of the medical field will find a cure as they our guided by Divine Intervention.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
September News
September 1, 2009
The 92nd Fifth Fatima Apparition of September 13, 1917
Our Lady once again appeared to the three young children. Lucia was the one who asked Our Lady in a very humble voice, “What do You want of Me?”
“Let the people continue to say the Rosary every day to obtain the end of the war.”
Our Lady also renewed the promise She made during her last apparition. “In the last month, in October, I shall perform a miracle so that all may believe in My apparitions. If they had not taken you to the village, the miracle would have been greater. Saint Joseph will come with the Baby Jesus to give peace to the world. Our Lord also will come to bless the people. Besides, Our Lady of the Rosary and Our Lady of Sorrows will come.”
“God is pleased with your sacrifices but does not wish that you sleep with the rope. Wear it only during the day.”
Lucia then said, “They have requested me to ask You many things. This girl is a deaf mute. Don’t you want to cure her?”
“In the course of the year she will be improved.”
Lucia then asked “Will you help these other people?”
“Some I will cure; but the others, no. Our Lord does not have confidence in them?”
Lucia then suggested to Our Lady that “the people would like very much to have a chapel built here.”
“Use half the money received so far for the litters. On one of them, place the statue of Our Lady of the Rosary. The other half should be set aside to help with the building of the chapel.”
Lucia then said, “Many people say that I am a swindler who should be hanged or burned. Please perform a miracle for all to believe.”
“Yes, in October, I will perform a miracle so that all may believe.”
Lucia did not want to forget any requests and then said “Some people gave me these two letters for you and a bottle of cologne.”
“None of that is necessary for Heaven.”
Saturday, August 1, 2009
August News
August 1, 2009
August 13, 2009
Thousands of people flocked to Fátima and Aljustrel in the ensuing months, drawn by reports of visions and miracles. On 13 August 1917, the provincial administrator and anticlerical Freemason , Artur Santos (no relation), believing that the events were politically disruptive, intercepted and jailed the children before they could reach the Cova da Iria that day. Prisoners held with them in the provincial jail later testified that the children, while upset, were first consoled by the inmates, and later led them in praying the rosary. The administrator interrogated the children and unsuccessfully attempted to get them to divulge the content of the secrets. In the process, he tried to convince the children that he would boil them one by one in a pot of oil unless they confessed. The children, however, resisted. That month, instead of the usual apparition in the Cova da Iria on the 13th, the children reported that they saw the Virgin Mary on 19 August at nearby Valinhos. (Source: Wikipedia)
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
July News
July 13, 2009
On July 13, 1917, Our Lady promised at Fatima, "I shall come to ask for... the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays." Click here for further information.
July 3, 2009
We invite you to spend time in consoling the Hearts of Jesus and Mary with your prayers, daily tribulations, and sufferings as well as your joy and happiness.
If possible spend some time with the King of Kings as you open your heart to Our Lord Jesus Christ who awaits you in the Most Blessed Sacrament. Tell Him about all your concerns even though He already knows them. But He enjoys your visits and especially listening to share your thoughts and words before His Presence in the Most Blessed Sacrament.
Take time to speak with your Heavenly Mother, who wants to help lead you closer to Her Son Jesus for these are the beginning Times of the Great Chastisement. These are the Times of Our Heavenly Father’s Great Mercy.
Take time to seek your Heavenly Father and spend less time worrying about day -to day events of the world. For all that we are now witnessing has been foretold. In the Blessed Trinity you will find true peace, a peace that this world can never give you until the new earth is brought forth.
…Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven….
For those that have prayed the Our Father you know that God does not lie so is it not better to awake from your sleep and be prepared for the New Earth which is quickly descending upon these present times?
Do not become discouraged by satan’s deceptions and lies. Do not become discouraged by your own difficulties and failures. Instead enter into the Hearts of Jesus and Mary as you seek their guidance and help. Place all humanity within their Hearts for are we not all children of the same God, the same Father? Are we not all spiritual brothers and sisters? So how can you pray for one without praying for all?
It is estimated that 70% of the world’s population lives on less than $2.00 per day. Most of humanity is enslaved by the world of satan and these false times of the Great Deception. While most of our leaders offer us peace they fail in their attempts and instead seem to elevate themselves before their lesser brothers and sisters. Do you really think that God will allow this to go on much longer? Do not judge them but instead pray for them so that God may enlighten them to follow the Ways of God and not the ways of satan.
While most of humanity sleeps with hearts of stone satan’s empire runs 24/7. Without your knowledge you pay and pay and pay for almost everything you buy in his earthly kingdom. While his false kingdom expands many of you turn further from God. It seems that most of humanity has lost its humanity by NO longer believing in God. This will soon change for God does not lie and so the Word of God will be fulfilled sooner than later. Be prepared. If you doubt these words then simply turn on your media news and look about for change is everywhere. Some of our scientists are now predicting that 40 to 60% of the animal and plant kingdom will be no more within one to two decades. Can you not see what is taking place right before your eyes? This is Good News for those who await the New Kingdom of God on Earth. It is the belief of the Fatima Prayers Ministry that before the year 2020 the New Kingdom of God on Earth will be established.
May the Blessings of Our Lord Jesus Christ precede you, be with you now and follow you in all you do on behalf of Our Father's Heavenly Kingdom. May He grant you His greatest treasure, His greatest gift a share in carrying His Cross so that you may embrace your daily cross with a greater love and hold it closer to your heart.
The Fatima Prayers Ministry.
Monday, June 1, 2009
June News
June 2009
Special Update on the Fatima Chaplet
See Below Slideshow
On June 13, 1929, while Sister Lucia, then a Dorothean nun, is at Holy Hour in Tuy, Spain, she is granted a special vision of the Blessed Trinity. In the Vision the written words "Graces and Mercy" appear. This is perhaps one of the most important revelations of Fatima.
Special News Announcement
June 19 2009
Pope Benedict XVI recently announced that a special “Year of the Priest” will open with vesper services at the Vatican on June 19, 2009 in an effort to encourage “spiritual perfection” and “sanctification” of Priests. The Pope cited St.Jean-Baptiste-Marie Vianney as the Patron Saint of Parish Priests and as an example of a pastor at the service of Christ’s flock.
This year will also commemorate the 150th Anniversary of the death of St. Jean Vianney, Cure of Ars whose Feast Day is August 4. The “Year of the Priest” will run from June 19, 2009 to June 19, 2010. The Holy Father has especially chosen this day as it is also the Feast Day of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
On behalf of the Fatima Prayers Ministry we ask for your prayers for our Beloved Priests that they may continue to grow in their love of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. May each Priest become a burning flame of love and of greater zeal for Jesus present in the Eucharist as they celebrate the Holy Mass. May our beloved Priests multiply their hours of Adoration and Reparation for the Most Holy Sacrament on the Altar. May each Priest be further strengthened by the Holy Spirit to encourage the faithful to multiply their prayers to the Most Blessed Trinity.
May Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph grant them many Graces in all they do on behalf of Our Father’s Heavenly Kingdom.
May the Blessings of Our Lord Jesus Christ precede you, be with you now and follow you in all you do for Our Beloved Priests. Please keep them in your most precious prayers. Thank you.
Special Update
June 26, 2009
My Dear Spiritual Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ,
May you enter into prayer of the Heart so that you may receive in fullness the gifts of the Holy Spirit through the intercession of Our Heavenly Mother.
“Come Holy Spirit
Come By Means Of The Powerful Intercession Of The Immaculate Heart Of Mary Your Well Beloved Spouse”. MMP
May we be open to the present times and tribulations we are now undergoing by uniting our prayers with those of Our Heavenly Mother. Seek to unite your heart with Her Immaculate Heart.
Take time to reflect and BELIEVE in the Words of Her Son Our Lord Jesus Christ for He is the Way, the Truth and the Light. Seek Divine Grace by seeking the Divine Light of Our Heavenly Father in order to follow the two Great Commandments Our Lord gave to the Children of God.
Allow your hearts of stone to be filled with the Divine Love of Heaven so that you may help soothe the painful hours of the present purification and great tribulation that has descended upon this poor and mislead humanity.
Too many of God’s children have been given the World’s False Promises of Free Choice by the anti-Christ but in fact their minds have been filled with false hopes and biased propaganda that is now broadcasted constantly 24 hours a day 7 days a week by the anti-Christ.
Only by accepting and embracing the gift of your daily cross through prayer can you help free those you love from the snares of the anti-Christ. Too many of God’s Children have forfeited their very lives by falsely believing that “good” is “bad” and that “bad” is “good”.
When you pray the Holy Rosary bind your children, and all of your loved ones both living and deceased, as well as all of humanity (for all humanity are children of God and so are your spiritual brothers and sisters). Trust in Our Heavenly Mother and in Jesus and Saint Joseph.
Your precious prayers will console those that suffer and will support those who are weak and unable to pray. Your prayers will lift up the fallen, and lead souls back to Our Lord Jesus Christ as you pray “Jesus I Trust In You.”
Call upon the Blessed Trinity and the Holy Family to convert the sinner, to heal the sick and give Hope to all those who have lost their Way.
May your prayers be pleasing before Our Eternal Father and touch His Heart so that He may touch your heart.
Take time to share your talents and labor with your priests and religious. Help support them during these special times for you do not know when Our Lord will call you forth for an accounting of your life.
Is it better to accumulate financial wealth and prestige at the cost of your soul?
In closing I ask you to consider that if Jesus and Mary offered you total remission of all your sins and invited you to dwell for all eternity in Heaven but the ones you loved most would not be allowed to enter Heaven what would you say? Would you forfeit Heaven for those you love? Imagine being in Heaven without your child or spouse!
Now imagine if you where born in a different time or place into a different family would you not pray for those in your family? How can you pray for another without praying for all of God’s Children, even for those who have fallen into the mud of Life. Pray for those who persecute you and give false testimony against you.
Let us intertwine our prayers with one another and offer them to God while there is still time for God has promised a new earth and a new Heaven. Simply look around and you will know that His promise is being fulfilled sooner then later. Slowly pray the Our Father so that you may know of the new era that will soon be upon the Children of God.
May the blessings of Our Lord Jesus precede you, be with you now and follow you in all you do on behalf of Our Father’s Kingdom.
Robert Spellman
The Fatima Prayers Ministry
Friday, May 1, 2009
May News
May 2009
We invite you to pray the Fatima Chaplet in Honor of Our Lady of Fatima.
In the spring of 1916, the Angel of Peace appears to three young shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal. The Angel teaches the children, Jacinta Marcos, Francisco Marcos, and Lucia Dos Santos, the PARDON PRAYER.
In the autumn of that year the Angel teaches the children the ANGEL PRAYER.
On May 13, 1917, in a field called Cova da Iria near the village of Fatima, Portugal, a beautiful luminous Lady, dressed in radiant white, appears before the three young children. She tells them that she has been sent by God with a message for every man, woman and child. She asks for prayer, especially that of the Holy Rosary, reparation and consecration. She teaches the three children the EUCHARISTIC ADORATION* PRAYER. (*alternate wording).
During Her July 13, 1917 apparition she teaches the children two additional prayers; the SACRIFICE PRAYER and the DECADE PRAYER.
On October 13, 1917, during the final apparition, Our Blessed Mother makes Herself known to the children as, "Our Lady of The Rosary". At this time the Great Miracle of the Sun occurs. As Our Lady of The Rosary moves off into the distance, Saint Joseph with The Child Jesus and Our Lady appear. Saint Joseph and the Christ Child bless the world as they make the Sign of the Cross. As the apparition fades Our Lord appears with Our Lady of Sorrows and blesses those present with the Sign of the Cross. As this apparition fades, Our Blessed Mother reappears as Our Lady of Mt. Carmel.
On December 10, 1925, in Pontevedra, Spain, Our Blessed Mother appears within a cloud of Light with her child Jesus before Sister Lucia. She declares that all who attend Mass for the Five First Saturdays, meditate for fifteen minutes while praying the Holy Rosary, attend Confession, receive Holy Communion, and offer reparation, penance, prayer and sacrifice shall be granted mercy at their hour of death.
On June 13, 1929, while Sister Lucia, then a Dorothean nun, is at Holy Hour in Tuy, Spain, she is granted a special vision of the Blessed Trinity. In the Vision the written words "Graces and Mercy" appear. This is perhaps one of the most important revelations of Fatima.
Years later, Our Lord appears to Sister Lucia in Rianjo, Spain, where He teaches her two additional prayers called the CONVERSION PRAYER and the SALVATION PRAYER.
In 1948, Sister Lucia enters the Carmelite Convent in Coimbra, Portugal, where she takes the religious name Sister Maria of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Sister Lucia dies on February 13, 2005 at age 97 at her Carmelite Convent in Coimbra, Portugal.
The MESSAGE of Fatima begins with the HOLY EUCHARIST and ends with the HOLY EUCHARIST.
This is but a brief history of the Fatima Apparitions. For more extensive information we suggest an Internet search on the Fatima Apparitions.
During Holy Week, we invite you to visit
Special Songs For Holy Week 2009
For Our Mother Teresa
Words and Lyrics by Bridget Hylak and Joseph Hooker
© 1992 Joseph L. Hooker, used with permission.
Heaven Is On Its Way
Words and Lyrics by Joseph Hooker
© 1991 Joseph L. Hooker, used with permission.
Please turn the volume down for this song.
Oh Lord, When Will We Learn?
Words and Lyrics by Joseph Hooker
© 1991 Joseph L. Hooker, used with permission.
Oh My Jesus
© 2009, Musical Arrangement by Joseph L. Hooker, used with permission.
Do You Love Me
Words and Lyrics by Bridget Hylak and Joseph Hooker
© 2000 Joseph L. Hooker, used with permission.
Very low-quality recording sang over the phone.
God Calling!
Words and Lyrics by Bridget Hylak and Joseph Hooker
© 1992 Joseph L. Hooker, used with permission.
A Change of Heart
© 1991 Joseph L. Hooker, used with permission.
Touch Their Hearts
© 2001 Joseph L. Hooker, used with permission.
We invite you to share his letter with your family and friends as we are sharing it with you since we consider you part of our spiritual family.
MMP. Cenacle with Fr. Stefano Gobbi
January 18, 2009 - St. James Church, Miami, Fl.
My dearest children, today’s liturgy presents to us Jesus Christ who saves us, loves us and calls us to Himself. In the Old Testament, God called Samuel. (1 Sm 3: 3b-10, 19) In the New Testament, Jesus calls us. As his apostles of today, He has called all of us and you have responded. Jesus has called us because he wants to save us in these times of trial.
Today, I am happy to be back in the United States, and I LOVE YOU!* After so many years, I come back to speak about the Blessed Virgin Mary – to tell you about her love for you and to give you her comfort. I take her tenderness and give it to you, so that it may soothe your sufferings and the so many bloody open wounds! Have courage!
Brothers and sisters of the United States, we are living through these trying times because humanity has gotten away from God's virtue and has gone towards atheism and materialism. The trial has now arrived for all humanity.
God is love, and away from God humanity is a desert. Today, the United States is living life away from God and, away from God, life is always threatened. Think about the millions of abortions done here. This is, for your country, the largest wound. God is communion. Away from God, divisions spread out in all places – between countries that spread violence and terrorism. The great trial is upon us, but BE NOT AFRAID.
In these times you must have much hope! I would like this message to reach everyone in the United States. On television you see the difficulties that have come to you in the U.S. Well, in these times of great trials, I come to remind you of HOPE, the hope that lies in the Immaculate Heart of Mary! This is why Mary has sent me here – to consecrate and entrust your life to her and to Jesus. And truly she becomes YOUR MOTHER. So then, why be afraid? She LOVES you; she HELPS you; she DEFENDS you; she CONSOLES you. In these times, Mary and her Immaculate Heart will triumph because her light will shine forth, and all children consecrated to her will be attracted by her love. They will be covered by her to form the army of her little children with which she will combat the evil one and win, because in the end HER IMMACULATE HEART WILL TRIUMPH!
And now, my dearest children, if you are the little children of Mary, she will feed you with her own milk. And what is her own milk? THE GRACE OF GOD! She is full of grace and she is Mother, so if you are fed with this grace you will live your Baptism which has brought you out of the hands of the evil one. God lives in you; you belong to God and then you no longer live for sin, for evil, for pride or for impurity. You will live only for the GLORY OF GOD like Mary does.
Our Lady teaches us to speak. What language? Our Lady says that we speak among ourselves very much, but pray very little. We must pray a lot and speak less. THE ROSARY is the prayer, the weapon to use against Satan in these times. Each rosary is a victory against the evil one and is very efficacious. Mary prays with each of us when we pray the Rosary, and our voice is completely united with hers. With the Rosary, we can solve all problems – political and social. In these times I come to tell you to put this to the test: pray the Rosary and you will see all of your problems solved!
Mary takes us to the depths of holiness – observing the Commandments of God and exercising Christian virtues. And when we are weak and we fall, Mary takes us to Confession. Our Blessed Mother desires a return to frequent Confession because when we sin, we must ask for mercy and pardon. And we receive that in the Sacrament of Confession. And then you will be part of the remnant that the Blessed Mother forms around the world through her Marian Movement of Priests.
Another recommendation, my dearest children, is to be faithful to your clergy, because in these times of apostasy, there is such a spread of errors. The Magisterium of the Church keeps us in the TRUE FAITH, and faith opens us up to hope, HOPE IN THE ONE JESUS CHRIST – Son of the Father, Incarnate in the womb of Mary, the One who died on the Cross for our Redemption. We have no other Savior but Jesus Christ Crucified, the only salvation in these times. Jesus Risen is here among us. He will realize his Great Triumph when He comes again in glory. Let us cry out to Him and invoke Him, like the Blessed Virgin Mary says in her messages: ‘COME, LORD JESUS!’ And then let us walk together in happiness in the expectation of such great future glory! I give one hand to the Blessed Mother and the other one to you; let us walk together to meet Jesus Christ!
Dear brothers and sisters, great is my joy in meeting with you again, and great is my sadness because I must leave you now. To you and to all brothers and sisters of the MMP in the U.S., now that I have returned, I carry you in my heart with affection and will remember each one of you through my Guardian Angel. I say to you, YOU MUST HAVE HOPE! After this trial, the times of peace, joy, and happiness of Mary await you!
God bless you!
(Text taken from translation by Fr. Gobbi’s interpreter, Otavio Piva de Albuquerque from São Paulo, Brazil)
*All words in upper case denote special emphasis by Fr. Gobbi.
Come Alive Communications, the company in charge of the Fatima Chaplet translations for has been awarded the 2008 USLBA Award.
The Shepherds of Fatima, book review by Sister Emmanuel Alves, FSP.
Click the image to enlarge the review.
Shepherds of Fatima by M. Fernando Silva at from Pauline Books and Media Center.
The Rosary - Prayer of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Cick to enlarge the above images.
For additional information go to
The Stations of the Cross
Saint of the Day:
For print/audio of the Saint of Day, go to:
Language Update:
The updated 2009 tri-fold English version of the Fatima Chaplet is now available for both USA & Canada and all other countries for print. The four-fold Fatima Chaplet is available here for only USA & Canada.
Our goal is to update all the present language translations on this site by August 2009. As soon as possible, our goal is to provide translations of the Fatima Chaplet in a total of 34 different languages.
Special Updates:
If you like Gregorian Chants, you will love these albums!
Special Updates:
May Our Heavenly Father send a special Blessing upon all those and their family loved ones who have helped to make this phase of the Saint Padre Pio Shrine Church possible.
Come Alive Communications, the company in charge of the Fatima Chaplet translations for has been awarded the 2008 USLBA Award.
The Shepherds of Fatima, book review by Sister Emmanuel Alves, FSP.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Special News Update
Our language translator Bridget Hylak, and her husband Joseph Hooker, have written a song in honor of Our Priests. “Our Priests”/”Nuestros Sacerdotes” has been adopted as the Catholic Marketting Network’s official theme song of the Year of the Priest, and can be sampled at For more information, read the following. We hope you enjoy the following videos of their music.
Song (English Version)
Song (Spanish Version)
Luke John Hooker Tribute: "The Little Angel That Could"