Our Lady Of Fatima always brings us to her to her Son Jesus Christ. We would be wise to prepare for the Advent Season as we prepare to enter into the Divine Light and Mercy of Jesus. Only through prayer of heart and a deep longing for God will one be able to understand and withstand the troubled times we are now living through.
We of the Fatima Prayers Ministry call upon the Human angels of God to continue to offer greater sacrifice, love, prayer and suffering for all of God’s children. The Human angels we call upon are YOU his imperfect children. We need your precious prayers to stem the flow of satan and his league of wolves that disguise themselves in sheep’s clothing.
You are the chosen ones who can help bring the Light of Christ upon this world that is being continually mislead by those who have become loyal followers of satan. Do not worry about your sins or your past but instead simply TRUST in Jesus.
Today many souls feel abandoned by God but in fact it is we who have abandoned God yet God has never abandoned us. We must be willing to offer our total selves for the victory of Our Heavenly Mother in crushing the head of satan and freeing satan’s captive souls.
Many of those who have been given so much by God have not just turned against God but against their spiritual brothers and sisters who have been given less. Many of those in power have come to believe (since every 10 years technology advances 100 years) that they are on the verge of becoming gods who will decide the fate of humanity. The extermination of God’s children has already begun and will continue to increase. Right now the government leaders and many world citizens are delighted on how robotic machines are helping to save tax costs by doing away with massive numbers of jobs. Unfortunately, unless God intervenes soon within 20 to 30 years 80 to 90% of the world’s population will be exterminated. This extermination has already begun for those that cannot defend themselves. Soon the poor, middle class, upper middle class as well as some of the rich and even some of the wealthy have no idea that they will soon be next.
The media and news are constantly giving misinformation that has created a Culture of Death. You might escape, but for those in their 20’s and younger they will be cast aside by the new humanoids and robotic nanobots. These technological advances could either be a blessing and help usher in a new Garden of Eden or totally destroy humanity. Many wonder about their jobs but imagine within 10 years a computer that will have the capability to sit on a desktop, cost less than a $1,000 dollars and do all the human brain calculations of all humanity within a millisecond.
You might want to give serious thought to earnestly seeking God with a greater urgency and offer your very life if necessary for God’s Kingdom.
Recently there has been much in the news about the mammograms for women in their 40’s. Several weeks earlier it was reported that there are only about five machines that make one of the special isotopes for these tests. Four of these facilities are not working and the fifth is barely working. The machine/facilities are about 50 years old. Now do you really believe that the governments of the world knew nothing about this. If you look to the government to save you unfortunately you will be betrayed. Only by turning to Heaven and seeking Divine Intervention will you be able to realize the DIABOLICAL PLAN of satan and his followers against the children of God.
Yet with prayer you have nothing to fear. As Jesus said, he has prepared a place for each one of us if we only trust in Him.
The false gods of satan have promised you long life and prosperity when in truth they have already begun the extermination of the children of God. You were ransomed with the blood of Christ so render unto Caesar what is Caesars and what is Gods to God. You belong to God and not to satan and his lies. He fills the airways and media with lots of false propaganda while your life grows darker with despair. Awake from your slumber and see the world for what it really is. Betray yourself and your loved ones no more but instead return to your family prayer. Return to your Holy Church and walk with it during Its crucifixion.
As you go about your day judge no other person or religion less you be judged. Instead simply turn to God when you awake, also during the day and when you retire at night to help guide and protect not only yourself but your loved ones.
Do you really believe that the brazen duo that crashed the White House State Dinner on Tuesday night November 24, 2009 did so by chance? Perhaps instead this was a warning by those in power directed at the President to remind him just have vulnerable he is.
President John Kennedy, Senator Bobby Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., willingly shed their blood for us. Are you willing to pray in earnest for our President’s protection against the forces of satan? It will be extremely difficulty for him to make the right choices without massive numbers of Human Angels praying for his and his families protection.
Those in world power have already destroyed the world currencies as well as the education of the people. We are simply be systematically controlled and exterminated.
Now perhaps all that I have written is way to difficult to believe so instead simply go before the Blessed Sacrament and ask Our Lord for His truth and guidance.
The truth is that we are all children of God and we should not judge any other religion or those in power but instead offer prayer, sacrifice and whatever else God asks of us. For we belong to Him and He belongs to Us for we are His Children!
Instead of are religious leaders focusing on specific issues they need to come together NOT as one religion but as children of God and call upon all of God’s children to seek God, so that His Kingdom is established on earth as it is in Heaven. Only then will we find true peace and happiness.
Fatima Prayers Ministry
The Fatima Chaplet
Nine First Fridays

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Five First Saturdays

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Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Fatima Prayers is a division of Golden Doorways LLC.
Special News Update
Our language translator Bridget Hylak, and her husband Joseph Hooker, have written a song in honor of Our Priests. “Our Priests”/”Nuestros Sacerdotes” has been adopted as the Catholic Marketting Network’s official theme song of the Year of the Priest, and can be sampled at www.OurPriests.com. For more information, read the following. We hope you enjoy the following videos of their music.
Song (English Version)
Song (Spanish Version)
Luke John Hooker Tribute: "The Little Angel That Could"