During these extremely difficult times we are being faced with many challenges. But Our Lady of Fatima has promised that Her Immaculate Heart will triumph in the end times. Many await God and His Angels but I humbly call upon God’s Human and Imperfect Angels like you and myself to stand with God and fight against the forces of satanic influence through prayer, penance and action. Our Lady of Fatima has called us to fight with the power of prayer especially that of the Holy Rosary.
Unfortunately, many seem to perhaps believe that God and all of Heaven work for them. When the real truth is that God and all of Heaven will work with us but not for us.
Through prayer we are able to better see the path of God and His Divine / Human Son Jesus and the path of satan that leads to self-enslavement and destruction of the many Divine Gifts God has given each of us.
In all Marian Apparitions Mary begins her message and ends her message by leading us back to her Son Jesus the Christ. She always remains within humility as the Handmaid of God. She continues to relentlessly fight for each of us while asking us simply to return to Her Son Jesus and spend time in prayer.
It is my sincere belief that within the next 10 years we will witness the Miracles of a new earth under the leadership of God and His Heavenly Kingdom. We must be willing to make a most important decision now to either stand with God or stand with satan. God has sent His Son Jesus with the Gift of Divine Mercy but no one knows when the Master will return to take charge of this earth. Are you prepared for the Master's Return?
Too many today worry about the stock market and tomorrow when we have little control over this world that is presently under the 24/7 influence of satan. We have entered into perhaps the worst time of any other time recorded within the Bible. Perhaps it is best to prepare now for the battle that has been raging and will soon become witnessed by all the people of the world. This will include not only the living but the deceased.
It seems that the world has gone mad with greed, selfishness and frivolous pursuits instead of at least trying to resist the temptations of satan’s vast empire. In every facet of life each of us unknowingly give a part of our hard earned money to satan’s empire. Yet Christ said “Render unto Caesar what is Caesars and what is Gods unto God.
We have each been ransomed by the blood of Christ and yet how often we foolishly forget that we are an enslaved people. We have the choice to accept the gift of our freedom through turning to Our Lord Jesus the Christ, and render even more to Caesar without bitterness but instead by offering prayers that will bring joy to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Let each one of us carry our many crosses with Divine Intervention so that those crosses we carry will become less bitter and actually lighter even as God increases them in number of heaviness.
Let us turn to Mary our Heavenly Mother with prayer of the Holy Rosary. You can make time for prayer by turning off your TV/media/press for as long as possible and turn to prayer within your Church and within the stillness of your inner room which is were you will also find the answers to the many crosses you are carrying. As you seek God you will enter into the Heart of God and find the peace you are seeking.
The time for you to make a free choice can only be made by turning off the constant propaganda of satan’s empire and going into the stillness of Gods Divine Light through prayer. Your prayer of Heart will lead you back to the Sacraments and working in Our Lord's Vineyard without counting the cost or seeking financial success. You will soon find yourself before the Blessed Sacrament which will bring you back to Holy Communion and attending Holy Mass. At Mass you can bind yourself to Christ as you undergo His Crucifixion and that of your own.
It may seem at times that God and all of Heaven have abandoned you but in reality isn't it you who have abandoned God. Our Lord Jesus dwells within each one of us and we can seek him by knocking on the door until we find inner joy and peace. This is a joy and a peace that the present world can never give you no matter how much material wealth you have.
The theme from Santuario de Fatima for this year is “that the pure of heart shall see God”. Give yourself and your beloved ones a chance by returning to your prayer life so that you may become as pure of heart as God so Wills. Even if it is only for a few minutes a day that you pray not just with words but with thoughts of love or total stillness allow yourself to start spending just a few minutes each day or as often as God allows you to spend. Give Heaven a chance to lead you to your inheritance as a child of God.
This present world is overflowing with false promises and deception. How many of our children have been lead astray and even to that of dying from addictions of various kinds. Isn’t it time for each of us to gather our energy and strength and join with the forces of Heaven through Our Lady of Fatima “Our Lady of the Rosary”. Our Heavenly Mother needs you to help by having you spend some time in prayer.
Our Lord Jesus didn’t come for the righteous but for each one of us who are unrighteous. So for whatever reason you may find yourself in, simply turn to God and seek to enter into the stillness of time and space and soon you will find yourself within His Divine Light.
Perhaps for some this will be an easy task and yet for others perhaps not. Yet Our Lord has promised that those who work in His Vineyard will receive His greatest gift ... that of a share in His Cross. So when you lift your cross be thankful even though at times this will seem impossible and you will stumble for we are mere humans. Jesus stumbled three times while carrying His Cross. So even if you stumble 10,000 times times 10,000 more times, Our Lord will Bless you just as many times.
Regardless of what you have done or where you have been you are a child of God and have been ransomed by the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. So go to Him and spend time with Him while there is still time. Time is a precious gift yet no one knows when that gift will end.
May Our Lady of Fatima lead you to Her Son Jesus. May you turn to the numerous Devotions and judge no one for what they have done or what they believe for when you point your finger at another three of your fingers point back to you. Instead allow God to be God and you to be a Child of God.
Each of us have been chosen by Our Heavenly Father to be inheritors of His Kingdom. The present “Kingdom” of your earthly journey is no Kingdom but instead an opportunity to live within the world but not be part of the world. We have an opportunity to give our allegiance to the True Kingdom of God. Turn from the evilness of satan and those that fill you with false promises and false hopes. Beware of those who come in sheeps clothing but are truly satans followers who seek to devour your soul and lead you into eternal ruin.
A diabolical plan has been set in motion for the extermination of 70 to 80% of the world’s population within the next 10 through 30 year time.Sound impossible. Did you know that with each passing decade we jump ahead 100 years in medical and numerous other technologies. You are being replaced by nanobots, new technology, robotics and computerized humanoids. Think it sounds silly? What do you do with those items you no longer need or find useful? You discard them and so we will soon be discarded. "They" who have cast their allegiance to satan, while claiming to be servants of God and servants of the people have filled your mind with false promises that have caused you nothing but distress and heartache. Yet if "they" were true servants of God we would have a much different instead of the one we have now. The false leaders have chosen to slay their spiritual brother and sister for they wish to become gods and live to be 200 and 300 or older while looking and feeling youthful as if they were 21. You think this is science fiction? A make believe story? It has already begun.
The massive world economic crisis was set in motion decades ago by "those" that seek to serve as the new false gods under satans empire. You and your family mean nothing to these false gods. Because of the present economic world crisis a special world summit has been called for in order to begin the planning for a one world government using a one world currency. Eventually, there will be a one world religion that will be under the influence of satan. Turn on your TV and look at all the false propaganda you and your loved ones are constantly being subjected to. The TV and news is filled every day with more lies that are meant to steal your heart, mind and soul.
All that what has presently begun has been foretold in Holy Sacred Scripture as well as by the approved and semi-approved apparitions. All that our Faith is built upon has told us to prepare for the coming days of Darkness. Have your prepared? If not than perhaps this would be a good time to begin. If you have a loved one that has become trapped by satan and is still with you or whose life has been taken it is not too late to turn to prayer for you can still save their soul and all those you hold within your heart and allow your loved one(s) the gift of eternal salvation through your intercessory prayer.
With God there is only now. So take this precious gift of prayer and bestow it upon those whom you hold within your heart and if your heart grows big enough through Gods Divine Light you may soon find yourself praying for all of God’s children.
The signs are all around us as the Bible has foretold. So why not rejoice and prepare for the new Kingdom. But enter the Vineyard slowly and allow God to set the pace. Do not become discouraged if you find moments of non-payer or difficulty praying or even attending Mass. Allow God to be God and you to be a Child of God following the Ways of God.
May the Blessing of Jesus Christ be with you now, precede you, and follow you in all you do on behalf of Our Fathers Kingdom.
Thank you.
Fatima Prayers Ministry
The Fatima Chaplet
Nine First Fridays

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Sunday, November 1, 2009
Fatima Prayers is a division of Golden Doorways LLC.
Special News Update
Our language translator Bridget Hylak, and her husband Joseph Hooker, have written a song in honor of Our Priests. “Our Priests”/”Nuestros Sacerdotes” has been adopted as the Catholic Marketting Network’s official theme song of the Year of the Priest, and can be sampled at www.OurPriests.com. For more information, read the following. We hope you enjoy the following videos of their music.
Song (English Version)
Song (Spanish Version)
Luke John Hooker Tribute: "The Little Angel That Could"